Title Implementacija Business Intelligence u poduzeća u funkciji poboljšanja njihovih poslovnih rezultata
Author Ivana Miklošević
Mentor Željko Turkalj (mentor)
Committee member Jerko Glavaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Turkalj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihana Sudarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-10-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract Menadžeri u poduzećima suočeni su u svojem poslovanju s velikom količinom poslovnih podataka i informacija. Velika količina podataka neće menadžerima i zaposlenicima dati informacije koje su im potrebne u razvoju daljnjeg poslovanja i procesu donošenja odluka. U „šumi podataka“ potrebni podaci ostaju skriveni, a mogli bi u poduzećima biti u funkciji ostvarenja
poslovnih ciljeva i prilikom donošenja poslovnih odluka na način da se pretvaraju u korisne informacije za donositelje odluka, a što se može postići implementacijom Business Intelligence-a u poslovanje. Business Intelligence je poslovno-obavještajna djelatnost, uz pomoć koje poduzeća upravljaju velikom količinom podataka i dobivaju manju količinu potrebnih podataka koji se pretvaraju u informacije, a potom i u znanje potrebno za donošenje strateški važnih odluka. Kod većih poduzeća, Business Intelligence može se implementirati kao posebna poslovna funkcija ili odjel, a kod manjih poduzeća kao Business Intelligence aplikacija. U dijelu istraživanja doktorske disertacije, u tri promatrana osiguravajuća društva Business Intelligence se
implementirao na vremensko razdoblje od tri mjeseca kao Business Intelligence aplikacija. Kao rezultat istraživanja, potvrđene su postavljene hipoteze, zaposlenici su u svojem poslovanju opterećeni velikom količinom poslovnih podataka koji im ne koriste u poslovanju i simuliran je model za upravljanje podacima, pretvaranje informacija u znanje i generiranje znanja - Business Intelligence aplikacija. Nakon provedenog istraživanja, u tri promatrana osiguravajuća društva usporedili su se podaci o učinkovitosti prodajnih zastupnika prije i nakon implementacije aplikacije Business Intelligence i većina prodajnih zastupnika ostvaruje bolje poslovne rezultate tijekom implementacije aplikacije Business Intelligence.Business Intelligence ostavlja prostora menadžerima za odlučivanje i donošenje strateških odluka, na način da podatke klasificira na temelju zadanih kriterija i kreira podlogu za donošenje strateški važnih odluka. Na taj način poduzeća stječu stratešku konkurentsku prednost, jer menadžeri raspolažu informacijama koje ne bi imali bez implementacije Business Intelligence-a. Brojne su prednosti implementacije Business Intelligence u poduzeća. Jedna od njih je i povećanje ukupne razine znanja u poduzeću, na način da se prikupljeni podaci sortiraju prema zadanim kriterijima i pretvaraju u korisne informacije za menadžere i zaposlenike koji služe kao podloga za generiranje ukupne razine znanja u poduzeću. Svojevrsni „radar“ u poduzećima koji predviđa buduće promjene i ponašanje konkurencije je Business Intelligence.
Abstract (english) Business managers in companies are faced with a large amount of business data and information. This large amount of information will not give managers and employees the information that they need in developing further business and in the decision-making process. In the sea of data, some of the necessary information remain hidden, while they could contribute to the achievement of business goals and be useful in the decision-making process, in such a way that they turn into useful information for decision makers, which can be achieved by implementing Business Intelligence in business. Business Intelligence is, as it name states, a business intelligence service which helps the companies to manage a large amount of data and to obtain a smaller amount of necessary data which are converted into information, and subsequently knowledge which is needed to make strategically important decisions. In larger companies, Business Intelligence can be implemented as a separate business function or department, while in smaller companies it can be implemented as Business Intelligence application. In the research part of the doctoral dissertation, Business Intelligence has been implemented in three observed insurance companies for a period of three months as a Business Intelligence application. As a result of the research, the three set hypothesis have been confirmed; the employees are weighted with a large amount of business data that are not useful for their business and a model has been simulated for data management, conversion of information into knowledge and generation of knowledge– Business Intelligence application. After the research conducted in three observed insurance companies, the data on the efficiency of sales representatives before and after the implementation of Business Intelligence application have been compared and most of sales representatives achieved better business results during the
implementation of Business Intelligence application. Business Intelligence leaves space for managers to make strategic decisions, in such a way that it classifies the data based on the given criteria and it creates background for making strategically important decisions. Thus, the companies gain strategic competitive advantage because managers have certain information at disposal which they would not have without the implementation of Business Intelligence. The advantages of implementation of Business Intelligence in companies are numerous. One of them is the increase of overall level of knowledge in a company, in such a way that the gathered data are selected according to the given criteria and are turned into useful information for managers and employees. The information subsequently serves as a background for
generating the overall level of knowledge in the company. Business Intelligence is a kind of „radar“ in companies which anticipates future changes and the behaviour of the competition.
Business Intelligence
Keywords (english)
Business Intelligence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:621210
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
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Created on 2018-03-12 12:54:00