Abstract | Franšiza predstavlja model koji je povoljan najviše za poduzetnike početnike ali i za poduzeća
koja ostvaruju rast. Posebnost je ta što smanjuje neizvjesnost u najrizičnijim fazama
poslovanja. Poduzetnici se odlučuju na franšizu jer dobivaju poznato ime i koncept rada i nužno
ne moraju imati iskustva u vođenju franšize. Uza sve to davatelji franšize najčešće pružaju i
razne treninge, marketinške strategije, odabir lokacije i slično. Prije nego se davatelj i primatelj
franšize odluče ući u franšizni posao moraju istražiti koje su to prednosti i nedostatci
franšize.Većina ljudi misli da uzimanje poznatog brenda za franšizu znači i 100% sigurnost i
zaradu, ali to nužno ne mora biti istina jer i ono ima svoje nedostatke. Mnogi se i pitaju postoji
li povezanost između franšize i poduzetništva. Različita su mišljenja i stajališta i može se reći
kako većina autora povezuje davatelja franšize sa poduzetništvom, dok se razilaze mišljenja u
pogledu primatelja franšize. U Republici Hrvatskoj franšiza još nije u potpunosti zaživjela ali
može se reći kako njezino vrijeme tek dolazi. Neke od poznatih franšiza u Hrvatskoj su: Taxi
Cammeo, Surf'n Fries, Mlinar i dr. Domino's pizza i Pizza Hut još se nisu pojavili u Republici
Hrvatskoj ali u skorijoj budućnosti planiraju se plasirati i na ovo tržište. I Domino's i Pizza Hut
su veliki pizza lanci koji su vodeći u industriji pizza i najveći su konkurenti. Pizza Hut trenutno
još drži prvo mjesto iako bi u bližoj budućnosti to mogao preuzeti Domino's. Domino's puno
ulaže u zaposlenike, menadžment, odnose s kupcima i sl. koje bi rezultiralo preuzimanje prvog
mjesta i tržišni je lider u dostavi pizze. Pizza Hut se tome trenutno još odupire i većini
segmenata je bolja (uspješnija) od Domino'sa. Bliža budućnost će nam otkriti kako će se ovo
završiti. |
Abstract (english) | Franchise is a model that is best suited for beginner entrepreneurs and also for growing
companies. Franchise reduces uncertainty in the most risky business phases which is the best
side of it. Entrepreneurs decide on franchise because they get a famous name, good concept off work and they don't
necessarily need business experience to run a franchise. In addition, all
franchisers often provide various training, marketing strategies, location selection and more.
Before provider and the recipient of franchise decide to get into franchise job, they need to
explore what are the advantages and disadvantages of franchise. Most people think if they
choose well known franchise that it would bring 100% safety and profit, but this isn't necessarily
true, because it has its disadvantages. Many people wonder if there is a relationship between
franchise and entrepreneurship. Although there are different opinions and views, most authors
connect the franchise provider with entrepreneurship, but there are different opinions about
franchise recipients. In the Republic of Croatia, the franchise hasn't completely lived yet,
however it can be said that its time is just coming. Some of the famous franchises in Croatia
are: Taxi Cammeo, Surf'n Fries, Mlinar and others. Domino's pizza and Pizza Hut have not yet
appeared in the Republic of Croatia but they are planning to conquer the market in near future.
Domino's pizza and Pizza Hut are big pizza chains, leaders in pizza industry, and also the
biggest competitors. Pizza Hut is still holding the first place, although Domino's could take
over its place in near future. Domino's invests a lot in employees, management, customer
relationship, what can result with taking over the first place on the market and becoming a
market leader in delivering pizza. Pizza Hut is still resisting this and in most business segments
Pizza Hut is more successful than Domino's. The closer future will show us how this will en |