Title Zaštita zviždača
Title (english) Whistleblower protection
Author Nikolina Brandšteter
Mentor Julia Perić (mentor)
Committee member Julia Perić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandar Erceg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anamarija Delić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of Interdisciplinary Courses) Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Zaštita zviždača vrlo je bitan dio slobode izražavanja te ima višestruke učinke poput
sprječavanja potencijalnih koruptivnih radnji i pružanje savjeta ili dokaza koji će pomoći u
procesuiranju koruptivnih aktivnosti. U zaštiti zviždača prednjače Sjedinjene Američke
Države i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Europa ima velike probleme s korupcijom, a jedan od
najznačajnijih mehanizama borbe protiv korupcije predstavljaju zviždači i informacije do
kojih oni dođu, najčešće na radnim mjestima. Europski parlament izradio je dva izvješća koja
pozivaju na zaštitu zviždača širom Europske unije (EU), a Vijeće EU-e je dalo javnu izjavu
pokazujući svoju potporu zaštiti zviždača. Zviždači su meta odmazde. Oni se suočavaju s
isključivanjem iz sastanaka kolektiva, gubitkom napojnica, primanjem manje poželjnih radnih
zadataka, dobivanjem nepoželjnih ili teških radnih zadataka, strožim kritikama, pritiskom,
otkazom i sl. Kada je zakonska zaštita potpuna, tada je rizik kojem se izlažu zviždači manji,
što zaposlenike potiče na prijavljivanje ilegalnih i nemoralnih radnji unutar organizacija.
Temeljem toga Komisija je pokrenula javnu raspravu i procjenu utjecaja, što su prvi koraci
prije predlaganja zakona. Rezultati javne rasprave pokazali su veliku potporu za izradu
zakona na razini EU-a koji bi postavio zajedničke standarde zaštite zviždača u privatnom i
javnom sektoru za sve zemlje članice. Republika Hrvatska nema poseban zakon koji štiti
zviždače, no nije jedina država članica Europske Unije sa slabom zaštitom. U nastavku ovog
rada bit će definirani pojmovi zviždanje i zviždač, predstavit će se hipoteze teoretičara u
pogledu zviždanja kao moralno dopuštene ili obvezne radnje te će se raspravljat o zviždanju
kao sukobu etike i zakona. Opisat će se zakoni zaštite zviždača u Sjedinjenim Američkim
Državama, Ujedinjenom kraljevstvu, Rumunjskoj, Francuskoj i Finskoj. Također, analizirat
će se pravna zaštita zviždača u Hrvatskoj te će se čitatelje upoznati s udrugama i
organizacijama koje se zalažu za veću zaštitu zviždača kao i s poznatim hrvatskim
zviždačima. U radu će biti prikazan intervju s dr. Draženom Gorjanskim kako bi se saznalo
nešto više o hrvatskim zviždačima, ostvarenim i planiranim projektima te poteškoćama u
borbi za izglasavanje Zakona za zaštitu zviždača.
Abstract (english) Whistleblower protection is a vital part of freedom of speech and has multiple effects such as
preventing potential corrupt actions and providing advice or evidence that will help prosecute
corrupt activities. The United States and the United Kingdom are the leading countries in
whistleblower protection. Europe has major corruption issues and one of the most significant
anti-corruption mechanism are the whistleblowers and the information they aquire, most often
at their workplace. The European Parliament has drafted two reports calling for whistleblower
protection throughout the EU, and the EU Council has issued a public statement
demonstrating its support to the problem. Whistleblowers are a target of retribution. They are
facing exclusion from the collective meetings, loss of tips, receiving less desirable work tasks,
obtaining unsolicited or difficult tasks, more strict criticism, pressure, getting fired etc.. When
the legal protection is completed, the risk that whistleblowers are being exposed to is less,
which encourages employees to report illegal and immoral activities within the organization.
Based on this, the Commission initiated a public debate and impact assessment, which are the
first steps before proposing the law. The results of the public debate have shown great support
for making the law at EU level that would set common standards for whistleblowers in the
private and public sectors for all member states. The Republic of Croatia does not have a
special law that protects whistleblowers but is not the only EU member state with poor
protection. In the follow-up of this thesis the terms of the whistling and the whistleblower will
be defined, the theoretical hypotheses will be presented in terms of whistling as morally
permissible or mandatory actions and whistling as a conflict between ethics and law will be
discussed. The laws on the protection of whistleblows in the United States, the United
Kingdom, Romania, France and Finland will be described. Furthermore, the legal protection
of whistleblowers in Croatia will also be analyzed and the readers will be introduced to
associations and organizations that advocate for greater protection of whistleblowers, as well
as with famous Croatian whistleblower. The thesis will display an interview with Dr. Drazen
Gorjanski in order to find out more about Croatian whistleblowers, achieved and planned
projects and difficulties in fighting for the vote of the Whistleblower Protection Act
zaštita zviždača
Keywords (english)
whistleblower protection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:833905
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-01-18 13:29:07