Title Upravljanje kvalitetom
Title (english) Quality Management
Author Josipa Špoljarić
Mentor Aleksandar Erceg (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandar Erceg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anamarija Delić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Julia Perić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship) Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Upravljanje kvalitetom kao cjelovit i kontinuirani proces predstavlja strateški cilj svakog
poslovnog subjekta. Rast za poslovni subjekt predstavlja kontinuirani proces koji pozitivno
utječe na poslovanje. Poslovni subjekt nastoji dosegnuti tu razinu kako bi postao konkurentniji i
ostvario profit. Kako bi se to ostvarilo potrebno je pozicionirati proizvod/uslugu na tržište gdje će
najbolje zadovoljiti potrebe i želje potrošača od konkurencije. Kvaliteta, kao jedno od bitnih
... More svakog proizvoda ili usluge odnosi se na mogućnost da taj isti proizvod/usluga ispuni
svoju svrhu, i u tome nadmaši konkurenciju. Drugim riječima, ona određuje standarde koji se
moraju ispuniti, što najviše kupci cijene i do kojih vrijednosti drže.
Niz čimbenika utječe poticajno ili ograničavajuće na kvalitetu proizvoda ili usluge. Ti čimbenici
su međusobno povezani, a poslovni uspjeh ovisi o tome kolika kvaliteta proizvoda ili usluga
može biti pružena klijentu. Cilj rada jest otkriti stratešku važnost i spoznaju menadžerskih napora
u upravljanju kvalitetom kao jednu od krucijalnih menadžerskih funkcija.
Svaki poslovni subjekt trebao bi poznavati temeljne postavke upravljanja kvalitetom: kvalitetu i
poslovni rezultat tj. troškove kvalitete, sustav upravljanja kvalitetom, suvremena zbivanja na
polju upravljanja kvalitetom te ulogu kontrole kvalitete, gdje su potrebna određena načela
normizacije za sustav upravljanja kvalitetom.
Rad se bavi analizom politike upravljanja kvalitetom na primjeru poduzeća Pliva d.d., kao
ogledni primjer upravljanja kvalitetom. Analizirana je sama definicija kvalitete te zastupljene
strategije upravljanja kvalitetom u poslovnom subjektu. Također, koliko je utvrđena statistička
kontrola kvalitete te odgovornost kao posljedica loše kvalitete. Utvrđeno je da analizirana tvrtka
ima organizirane sustave upravljanja kvalitetom te je itekako svjesna važnosti upravljanja njome.
Zasebno mjesto u poslovanju zauzima Six Sigma strategija za upravljanje kvalitetom koja
dokazuje brigu o kvaliteti Plivinih proizvoda i zadovoljstvu klijenata.Zaključno s praktičnim primjerom, glavna svrha jest jest ukazati na važnost primjene upravljanja
kvalitetom, koja je krucijalni uvjet poslovnog uspjeha. Less
Abstract (english) Quality management as a complete and continuous process represents the strategic goal of every
business entity. Growth for a business entity represent the continuous process that has a positive
impact on business. A business entity seeks to reach that kind of level to become more
competitive and realize the profit. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to position the
product / service on the market where the needs and desires of the customers are going to be
satisfied. The
... More quality, as one of the essential characteristics of every product or service, refers to
the ability of the product/service to fulfill its purpose and to outreach the competition. In other
words, it determines the standards that have to be fulfilled, also, what customers appreciates the
most and values what they hold.
A number of factors have positive or limiting impact on the quality of products and services.
These factors are mutually connected, and business success depends on how much the quality of
the products or services can be provided to the clients. The main goal of this master degree work
is to discover strategic importance and the cognition of the managerial effort in the quality
management as one of the crucial management functions.
Every business entity needs to know the core scheme of the quality management: the quality
itself and the business result, ie., the quality costs, system of the quality management,
contemporary situation on the field of quality management, also the role of the quality control,
where are the certain principles of the standardizations for the quality management, needed.
This work anylize the policy of the quality management on the example of the Pliva, joint stock
company. The quality definition itself and the quality management strategy in the business entity
were analyzed in this work. As well, how much statistical quality control has been established,
also the responsibility as a result of poor quality. It was established that the analyzed company
has organized quality management systems and is well aware of the importance of managing it.Special place in the business takes the Six Sigma strategy which proves the quality of Pliva's
products and customers satisfactions.
In the conclusion with practical example, the main purpose is to point out on the importance of
applying the quality management, which is the crucial condition of business success. Less
kvaliteta proizvoda/usluge
upravljanje kvalitetom
kontrola kvalitete
kvaliteta i normizacija
kvaliteta i poslovni rezultat - trošak kvalitete
Keywords (english)
product/service quality
quality management
quality control
quality and the standardization
quality and the business success - the cost of the quality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:296135
Study programme Title: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-02-11 14:15:04