Title Ekološki proizvodi u funkciji optimizacije brend arhitekture
Title (english) Ecological products in a function of brand architecture optimisation
Author Dajana Mrčela
Mentor Marija Ham (mentor)
Committee member Željko Turkalj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marcel Meler (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Mikrut (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-11-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 339 - Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy
Abstract Brend arhitektura ima važnu ulogu u upravljanju brendom. Ona predstavlja odnose i veze
između brendova određenog portfelja, odnosno optimizaciju ciljnih skupina kupaca/potrošača.
Prilikom kreiranja i upravljanja brend strategijama, važno je imati u vidu sve izraženiju
ekološku svijest potrošača koja je pred proizvođače stavila novi zahtjev da tržištu ponude
proizvode koji udovoljavaju visokim ekološkim standardima. Zato možemo reći da je
ekološka prihvatljivost postala "dodatna kvaliteta"
... More proizvoda. Ekološki proizvodi definiraju
se kao proizvodi koji nastoje minimizirati štetne učinke na okoliš kako u procesu proizvodnje
tako i u procesu korištenja i odlaganja. Preferencija ekoloških proizvoda kreira „novu“
skupinu potrošača kojima se potrebno obratiti u procesu kreiranja brend strategije i
optimizaciji brend arhitekture. Sve navedeno upućuje na potrebu razumijevanja uloge
ekoloških proizvoda u kreiranju brend strategija te posljedično funkciju istih u postizanju
optimalne brend arhitekture.
Primarni cilj disertacije je ispitati ulogu i potencijal ekoloških proizvoda u optimizaciji brend
arhitekture. Razumijevanje modela optimizacije brend arhitekture krajnji je cilj istraživanja, a
uloga ekoloških proizvoda mogući put za postizanje iste. Nekoliko je koraka bilo potrebno
proći na putu do identifikacije uloge i potencijala ekoloških proizvoda u optimizaciji brend
arhitekture. Prvi korak je bio razumjeti trenutnu ekološku osviještenost kupaca, kao preduvjet
važnosti ekoloških proizvoda u portfelju brendova. Nadalje, razumijevanje percepcije snage
brendova i mjerenje snage brendova u općoj populaciji, s naglaskom na nišni segment kupaca
proizvoda, pretpostavka je za razumijevanje modela optimizacije brend arhitekture i
postojećih načina optimizacije koji su uzimali u obzir druge kriterijske varijable, ne nužno
ekološki proizvod. Ključna pretpostavka je i istražiti procese kreiranja brend arhitekture te
načine upravljanja brend arhitekturom. Nakon razumijevanja svih navedenih procesa moguće
je pristupiti istraživanju i analizi postojećih načina optimiziranja brend arhitekture.
Doktorska disertacija je temeljena na sekundarnim i primarnim podacima. Sekundarni izvori
(dosadašnje teorijske i empirijske spoznaje, prethodno kreirani i međunarodno validirani
mjerni instrumenti, baza podataka BRANDpuls i drugi) osigurali su povijesni pregled, analizu
postojećih pokazatelja, percepciju pojmova važnih za istraživanje, razumijevanje konteksta iii
sl., dok su primarni izvori podataka osigurali osvjetljavanje temeljnog pitanja disertacije. U
empirijskom dijelu istraživanja korištena je kvantitativna metoda prikupljanja podataka
metodom osobnog ispitivanja. Kvantitativna metoda je radi dubinskog razumijevanja,
nadopunjena kvalitativnim pristupom.
Iako je ideja disertacije nastala temeljem traženja odgovora na problemsku situaciju
detektiranu u struci, proučavanje teorije i sekundarnih izvora istraživanja pokazalo je kako ne
postoji znanstveni odgovor na istraživačko pitanje o ekološkim proizvodima u funkciji
optimizacije brend arhitekture. Provedeno istraživanje, doprinijelo je razumijevanju teorijskog
okvira optimizacije brend arhitekture te razumijevanju teorijskog okvira vezano za obilježja
ekoloških proizvoda. Istraživanje je nadalje omogućilo predlaganje mjernog instrumenta za
mjerenje i detektiranje uloge i potencijala ekoloških proizvoda u procesu optimizacije brend
Istraživanje je jednoznačno pokazalo kako kupci razumiju ključne pojmove vezano za
ekološke proizvode, da imaju visoku samopercepciju ekološke osviještenosti te da daju
prioritet ekološkim proizvodima u odnosu na neekološke proizvode. Ekološki proizvodi
signifikantno i pozitivno utječu na optimalnu brend arhitekturu, a snaga brenda je nešto što je
neopipljivo, ali vrijedno i korisno u upravljanju brend arhitekturom. Istraživanje je pokazalo
kako je važna uloga u ciljanju i optimiziranju upravo svijest o stanju i potencijalu ekološkog
proizvoda koji donosi snagu brendu kroz dosezanje posebne nišne skupine na tržištu. Less
Abstract (english) Brand architecture holds a vital role in brand management. It represents relationships and
connections between the brands of a particular portfolio, i.e. optimization of target groups.
When creating and managing brand strategies, it is important to keep in mind the rising
ecological awareness of the consumer, that has placed new demands on the market to offer
products which meet the high environmental standards. Thus we can say that environmentally
friendly products have an "extra
... More quality" to them. Ecological products are defined as products
that seek to minimize the adverse effects on the environment, both in the production process
and in the process of use and disposal. The preferences towards ecological products have
created a "new" consumer group, that should be addressed during the process of creating a
brand strategy and optimizing the brand architecture. All of this indicates the need to
understand the role of ecological products when forming brand strategies and consequently
their function in achieving the optimal brand architecture.
The primary goal of the dissertation is to examine the role and potential of ecological products
in the optimization of brand architecture. Understanding the brand optimization model is the
final goal of the research, while checking the role of ecological products as a means to
achieve the same. Several steps had to be taken to identify the role and potential of ecological
products in the optimization of brand architecture. The first step was understanding the
current ecological awareness of customers, who are often consumers, as a prerequisite for the
importance of ecological products in the brand portfolio. Furthermore, understanding the
perceptions of brand power and measuring brand strength within the general population, while
focusing on the niche segment of product buyers, is a prerequisite for understanding the brand
optimization model and the existing optimization methods that have taken into account other
variables, not necessarily ecological products. It is also of key importance to explore the
processes of creating brand architectures and ways of managing brand architecture. After
understanding the aforementioned processes, it is possible to explore and analyze the existing
ways of optimizing brand architecture.
The dissertation is based on secondary and on primary data. Secondary sources (previous
theoretical and empirical findings, previously created and internationally validated measuring
instruments, the BRANDpuls database and others) provided a historical review, an analysis of
existing indicators, perceptions of concepts important to explore, understanding of contextsiv
etc. While the primary sources of data provided clarification to the underlying question of the
In the empirical part of the study, a quantitative method was used through applying an in
person-survey method. For deeper understanding, the quantitative method was supplemented
with a qualitative approach. Although the idea of the paper was created on the basis of finding
the answers for the problematic business situation detected, the theory and secondary sources
of research showed that there is no scientific answer to the question about ecological products
in the function of optimization of brand architecture. The conducted research has contributed
to understanding of the theoretical framework for optimization of the brand architecture and
the understanding of the theoretical framework of the characteristics of ecological products.
The research further provided the proposition of a measuring instrument to measure and
detect the role and potential of ecological products in the process of optimizing brand
Given that the research has shown that buyers understand key concepts related to ecological
products, have high self-perception of ecological awareness, prioritize ecological products
over environmentally irresponsible products; ecological products have a significant and
positive impact on the optimal brand architecture. Brand power is intangible, but also
invaluable when managing brand architecture. The research has shown that a key role in
targeting and optimization is awareness of the state and potential of an ecological product,
which adds value to a brand through it's capacity to reach of a niche segment of the market. Less
brend arhitektura
snaga brenda
ekološki proizvodi
ekološka osviještenost potrošača
Keywords (english)
brand architecture
brand strength
ecological products
consumer environmental awareness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:624297
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-02-26 15:26:04