Abstract | Etnocentrizam je sredstvo pomoću kojega pojedinac izgrađuje vlastiti identitet. Usko je vezan
uz kulturu svakog pojedinog društva, običaja, jezika, vjere. Temeljni cilj ovoga rada bio je
identificirati pojam etnocentrizma, koje su navike potrošača i njihov temeljni stav u kontekstu
etnocentrizma te odnos potrošača prema stranim i domaćim proizvodima. Što je veća sklonost
kupovini domaćih proizvoda, veća je i razina etnocentrizma. Provedenim istraživanjem
nastojalo se ustanoviti u kojoj mjeri etnocentrizam utječe na stavove potrošača na području
istočne Hrvatske. Za potrebe istraživanja korištena je metoda anketiranja, drugim riječima
istraživanje je provedeno putem online ankete i osobnog anketiranja ispitanika. Anketa je
napravljena pomoću Google Formsa i Microsoft Worda. Anketni upitnik načinjen je od dva
dijela. U prvom dijelu navedena su demografska obilježja, odnosno spol, dok mjesto
stanovanja, razina obrazovanja, mjesečni prihodi te trenutni status ispitanika, odnosno da li su
zaposleni, nezaposleni, umirovljenici ili studenti. Drugi dio se odnosi na CETSCALE skalu
koja služi za mjerenje potrošačkog etnocentrizma. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, može se
ustanoviti da je većina ispitanika sklonija kupovanju domaćih proizvoda, bez obzira na to što
kupuju strane proizvode te smatraju da je to u redu. Također, većina ispitanika smatra da treba
uvoziti samo one proizvode koji se ne mogu proizvesti u domaćoj zemlji, u ovom slučaju u
Hrvatskoj. |
Abstract (english) | Ethnocentrism is the means by which an individual constructs his own identity. It is closely
related to the culture of each individual society, customs, language, religion. The basic aim of
this paper was to identify the notion of ethnocentrism, what are the habits of consumers and
their basic attitude in the context of ethnocentrism, and the attitude of consumers towards
foreign and domestic products. The higher the tendency to buy local products, the higher the
level of ethnocentrism. The research was conducted to establish the extent to which
ethnocentrism influences consumer attitudes in Eastern Croatia. The survey method was used
for the purposes of the survey, in other words the survey was conducted through an online
survey and a personal survey of the respondents. The survey was made by using Google Forms
and Microsoft Word. The questionnaire was made of two parts. The first part lists demographic
characteristics,apropos gender, while place of residence, level of education, monthly income,
and current status of respondents, apropos whether they are employed, unemployed, retired or
students. The second part refers to CETSCALE scale, which is used to measure consumer
ethnocentrism. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents are
more inclined to buy domestic products, regardless that they buy foreign products, and consider
that is fine. Also, most respondents believe that only those products that cannot be produced in
the domestic country, in this case in Croatia, should be imported. |