Author Sanja Bračun
Mentor Sanja Pfeifer (mentor)
Committee member Nataša Šarlija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Bradač Hojnik https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1314-9088 (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčica Oberman Peterka (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract Uloga kreativnih i kulturnih industrija (KKI) u gospodarski razvijenim zemljama nije
ograničena samo na djelokrug rada unutar kulture i umjetnosti te zaštite i promicanja kulturnopovijesnog nasljeđa, već sve više
postaje snažan pokretač transformacije nacionalnog
gospodarstva. UNESCO redovito u svojim izvještajima prepoznaje KKI kao dio najbrže
rastućeg sektora u pogledu stvaranja prihoda i potencijala zapošljavanja pogotovu mladih. Na
temelju tih spoznaja Hrvatska 2015. g. provodi prvo mapiranje svojih KKI-ja kako bi se
strukturirao i kvantificirao njihov opseg te prepoznale mogućnosti utjecaja na gospodarski rast.
Pri povezivanju potencijala tržišta KKI-ja sa sustavom visokog obrazovanja, koji mlade
priprema za zanimanja unutar KKI-ja, sve je izraženiji jaz u vidu izazova prilagođavanja ishoda
učenja aktualnim potrebama tržišta rada. Učinkovitost kritičkog razmišljanja i rješavanja
problema, kulturna svijest kao i nadogradnja društvenih, emocionalnih i socijalnih vještina –
postaju sve važniji ishodi učenja, koji omogućavaju aktivno uključivanje pojedinaca u razvoj
gospodarstva i cijelog društva. Obrazovni je sustav pri tome pozvan poticati i njihov
poduzetnički potencijal, pomažući im prepoznati postojeća i dodatno razvijati nova
poduzetnička znanja i vještine kako bi kao mladi obrazovani ljudi uspješno preuzeli
odgovornost za svoju budućnost.
Poduzetničko obrazovanje na visokim učilištima koja obrazuju mlade za buduća zanimanja
unutar KKI-ja relativno je neistraženo područje, što otvara dodatnu mogućnost za unapređenje
njihovih studijskih programa u cilju prilagođavanja aktualnim potrebama tržišta. Nastojeći
ukazati na potencijal KKI-ja u Hrvatskoj te premostiti trenutno nisku zastupljenost
poduzetničkog obrazovanja u njihovim studijskim programima, cilj je doktorske disertacije
predložiti konceptualni okvir poduzetničkog obrazovanja, koji respektira postojeću razinu
poduzetničkih kompetencija studenata te potiče njihov interes za poduzetničko obrazovanje i
buduće poduzetničke namjere. Predloženi konceptualni okvir poduzetničkog obrazovanja
razvijen je na temelju rezultata prethodnih znanstvenih istraživanja iz područja poduzetničkog
obrazovanja unutar KKI-ja, kao i rezultatima provedenog empirijskog istraživanja u sklopu ove
doktorske disertacije čiji uzorak čine svi relevantni čimbenici poduzetničkog obrazovanja iz
područja KKI-ja.Pored 293 studenata završnih godina umjetničkih akademija i ostalih srodnih visokih učilišta
prigodni uzorak čini i njihovih 11 prodekana za nastavu te 11 već afirmiranih poduzetnika /
slobodnih profesionalaca unutar KKI-ja.
Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da unatoč postojanju različitih razina izraženosti poduzetničkih
kompetencija i poduzetničkih namjera među studentima postoji pozitivan stav i interes za
sudjelovanje u poduzetničkom obrazovanju. Podršku svojim studentima iskazuju i odgovorne
osobe unutar visokih učilišta zadužene za kreiranje i odobravanje novih studijskih programa,
kao i već afirmirani poduzetnici / slobodni profesionalci unutar KKI-ja svojom
zainteresiranošću za aktivno sudjelovanje u samom provođenju poduzetničkog obrazovanja.
Preporuka doktorske disertacije usmjerena je na uvođenje konceptualnog okvira poduzetničkog
obrazovanja, koji uz podršku informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (ICT-a) te uz
aktivno sudjelovanje već afirmiranih poduzetnika / slobodnih profesionalaca iz područja KKIja ne samo da nadopunjava
postojeće studijske programe, već ih i širi na područje cjeloživotnog
učenja. Predloženi konceptualni okvir poduzetničkog obrazovanja tako postaje dodatni poticaj
u provođenju promjena studijskih programa visokih učilišta koje će na taj način moći
producirati kompetentne, kreativne i poduzetne mlade ljude bez obzira na to hoće li oni tijekom
svoje karijere odlučiti biti samostalni poduzetnici ili poduzetni zaposlenici unutar KKI-ja.
Abstract (english) The role of creative and cultural industries (CCI) in the countries with developed economies is
not restricted merely to activities within culture and art and the protection and promotion of
cultural and historical heritage, but seems to be transforming into a powerful driver of
transformations in national economies. In its regular reports during last decades, UNESCO
recognizes CCI as a part of the fastest growing revenues generating sector providing
opportunities for the employment of especially young people. Having detected this trend, in
2015 Croatia conducted its first CCI mapping in order to structure and quantify their scope and
to identify their possible impact on further economic growth.
In the process of linking potentials of CCI market with the existing higher education system
that prepares young people for CCI professions, there is a growing gap between the adjustments
of learning outcomes and the challenging current demand on the labour market. The
effectiveness of critical thinking and problem solving, cultural awareness and continued
upgrading of social, emotional and interpersonal skills - these are the learning outcomes with
increasing importance that enable individuals to get integrated as active stakeholders in the
development of economy and society as a whole. The educational system is expected to
encourage also their entrepreneurial potentials, helping them to identify their existing, but also
to additionally develop new entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, so that young educated
people may successfully assume the responsibility for their own future.
Entrepreneurial courses in higher education institutions offering young people study
programmes for future CCI professions is a relatively unexplored area, which opens additional
possibilities for improvement in their curricula, with the aim to align them with the current
market demands. Pointing at the potential of CCI in Croatia and aiming at bridging the currently
low share of entrepreneurial courses in the curricula in their study programs, the aim of this
doctoral thesis is to propose a conceptual framework of entrepreneurial education that respects
the existing level of students' entrepreneurial competences and encourages their interest in
entrepreneurial education and future entrepreneurial intentions.The proposed conceptual framework of entrepreneurial education has been developed on the
basis of the results of previous scientific research in the field of entrepreneurship education
within the CCI, and through empirical research covering all relevant CCI stakeholders. Besides
293 senior year students of art academies and other similar higher education institutions
educating future employees at CCI, the sample includes also 11 vice-deans for academic affairs
and 11 already established entrepreneurs/freelancers within CCI.
The obtained results show that despite the existence of different levels of expressions of
entrepreneurial competences and entrepreneurial intentions, there is a positive attitude and
interest among students for participation in entrepreneurship education. Support for their
students is expressed also by the responsible persons within the higher education institutions in
charge of creating and approving new study programs, as well as established entrepreneurs
within CCI, through their interest in actively participating in the implementation of
entrepreneurship education.
The recommendation of this doctoral thesis is aimed at the introduction of a conceptual
framework of entrepreneurial education which, along with ICT support and the support of the
already established entrepreneurs/freelancers in the CCI area, is not only complementary with
the existing curricula, but also extends them into the area of lifelong learning. So, the proposed
conceptual framework of entrepreneurial education provides an additional impetus in the
implementation of changes in the curricula of higher education institutions that in this way will
produce competent, creative and enterprising young people, regardless whether later in their
career they will decide to become independent entrepreneurs or enterprising employees within
kreativne i kulturne industrije
poduzetničke kompetencije
poduzetničke namjere
poduzetničko obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
creative and cultural industries
entrepreneurial competence
entrepreneurial intentions
entrepreneurial education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:992424
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: International inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-09-16 12:23:37