Abstract | Platni promet je neizostavan dio svakog gospodarskog sustava. Njegova osnovna funkcija je
omogućiti sigurnu i djelotvornu uporabu novca kao platežnog sredstva te izvršiti
bezgotovinske platne transakcije, tj. prijenos sredstava od platitelja primatelju plaćanja.
Uspješno i sigurno funkcioniranje platnog prometa je iznimno važno i za središnju banku.
Ona je institucija odgovorna za funkcioniranje platnog prometa u zemlji kao i za cjelokupni
financijski sustav i sve njegove sudionike. Platni promet je uređen nizom zakona i
podzakonskih akata, kao što su Zakon o platnom prometu, Zakon o elektroničkom novcu,
Zakon o sprječavanju pranja novca i financiranja terorizma, Zakon o provedbi Europske unije
iz područja platnog prometa, Zakon o konačnosti namire u platnim sustavima i sustavima za
namiru financijskih instrumenata te Zakon o deviznom poslovanju i drugi propisi Europske
unije. Zakonom o platnom prometu se uređuju platne usluge i njihovi pružatelji, obveze
pružatelja platnih usluga, institucije za platni promet i platni sustavi. Platni promet u
Republici Hrvatskoj se izvršava preko četiri velika platna sustava, a to su: Hrvatski sustav
velikih plaćanja (HSVP), Nacionalni klirinški sustav (NKS), TARGET 2 i EuroNKS. Platne
usluge koje pružatelji usluga obavljaju kao svoju djelatnost jesu podizanje i polaganje
gotovog novca, izvršavanje platnih transakcija kreditnih transfera, trajnih naloga, izravnih
terećenja i novčanih pošiljaka, izdavanje platnih instrumenata i prihvaćanje platnih
transakcija, izvršavanje platnih transakcija putem platnih kartica te usluge iniciranja plaćanja i
usluge informiranja o računu. U ovome završnom se analiziraju visine naknada usluga
gotovinskog platnog prometa među promatranim bankama (Zagrebačka banka d.d., Privredna
banka Zagreb d.d. i Erste&Steiermärkischer bank d.d.). |
Abstract (english) | Payment operations are an integral part of the economic system of any country. Their basic
function is to enable a safe and effective use of cash as a means of payment as well as the
execution of cashless payment transactions, i.e., the transfer of funds from the payer to the
payee. A successful and safe fuctioning of payment operations is also of exeptional
importance for the central bank. It is the institution responsible for the functioning of the
national payment system, as well as for the overall financial system and all of its participants.
The functioning of payment operations in the Republic of Croatia is regulated by a series of
acts and bylaws, such as the Payment System Act, Electronic Money Act, Act on the
Implementation of EU Regulations Governing Payment Systems, Act on Settlement Finality
in Payment and Financial instruments Settlement Systems, Foreign Exchange Act, as well as
other EU regulations. The Payment System Act governs payment operations, payment
services, payment service providers, obligations to inform payment service users about the
conditions for the provision of and about the provision and use of payment services for the
purpose of the protection and security of financial market participants. Payment operations in
the Republic of Croatia arre carried out through four payment systems: the Croatian Large
Value Payment System (CLVPS), the National Clearing System (NCS), TARGET2 and
EuroNCS. Payment services can be provided by payment service providers (credit institutions
and electronic money institutions) as their business activity includes cash deposits and
withdrawals, the execution of credit transfer payment transactions, standing orders, direct
debits and money remittance, issuing and acquiring of payment instruments and execution of
payment transactions through payment cards and other telecommunication, digital or IT
device. This final paper analyzes the fees for for cash payment services among the observed
banks (Zagrebačka banka d.d., Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. and Erste & Steiermärkischer
bank d.d.). |