Abstract | Marketing mix, najjednostavnije rečeno, obuhvaća 4P i kao takav sastavni je dio marketinga.
Kako bi se moglo što bolje shvatiti što je marketing mix ili 4P te čemu služi može ga se
promatrati kao sredstvo ili alat koji služi kako bi gospodarski subjekt tj. tvrtka ostvarila svoje
ciljeve, kako marketinške tako i sve poslovne ciljeve u čijem ostvarenju marketing može
odigrati vrlo važnu ulogu. S obzirom da se marketing mix, ili kako njegova skraćenica govori,
sastoji od četiri elementa teško je usredotočiti se na sva četiri elementa. Razlog tomu nije samo
što je teško biti usredotočen na sva četiri elementa i što je teško jednako se posvetiti i jednako
razraditi sva četiri elementa već i financijska sredstva i budžet tvrtke koji u velikoj mjeri
određuje u kojem smjeru će se razvijati marketinška strategija pa samim time i na koji element
marketing mixa će se najviše usmjeriti. Osim što se marketing mixom mogu ostvariti
marketinški i mnogi poslovni ciljevi, on uvelike može pridonijeti stjecanju i održavanju
konkurentske prednosti na, u današnje vrijeme, poprilično zahtjevnom tržištu. Kako bi se
postigla ta konkurentska prednost na zahtjevnom tržištu moraju se zadovoljiti potrebe, želje i
interesi tog zahtjevnog tržišta ili, još preciznije, segmenata tog zahtjevnog tržišta te njegovih
potrošača čije su potrebe, interesi i želje neograničene. |
Abstract (english) | Simply said, the marketing mix is covering the four 4Ps and, in such capacity, it is an element
of marketing.
To get a better understanding what a marketing mix, or the 4Ps, represents and what it is used
for, it can be seen as an instrument or a tool that provides a company to meet its goals, both
marketing and all of its business goals, in which marketing can play a very important role.
Considering that the marketing mix, as its abbreviation stands for, consists of four elements, it
is difficult to focus on all four elements.
The reason is not only that it is difficult to focus on all four elements, and that it is difficult to
devote equally to all four elements and to elaborate them equally, but also the financial
resources and the budget of the company, which largely determines in which direction the
marketing strategy will be developed, and which element of the marketing mix will the
company focus most on.
In addition to the fact that the marketing mix can meet marketing and many business goals, it
can greatly contribute to gain and maintain a competitive advantage in, the present day, rather
demanding market.
To achieve this competitive advantage in a demanding market, the needs, desires and interests
of that demanding market or, more precisely, the segments of that demanding market and its
consumers whose needs, interests and desires are unlimited, must be met. |