Abstract | Kredit, novčani dužničko – vjerovnički odnos u kojem vjerovnik kredita određeni iznos
novčanih sredstava daje na korištenje dužniku, uz određene uvjete i ograničeni vremenski
period povrata istog. Važan je čimbenik gospodarskog rasta i razvoja zbog financiranja uvoza
i izvoza, investiranja te potrošnje. Banke odobravaju kredite zajmotražiteljima u obliku
gotovog novca ili kao nenovčani kredit (akcept, aval i sl.). Važno je povjerenje prema
dužniku, procjena njegove kreditne sposobnosti i spremnost vraćanja zajma u ugovorenom
roku, uz plaćanje određene naknade u obliku kamate. U slučaju nemogućnosti povrata novca
i neispunjenja obveze od strane dužnika, vjerovnik se osigurava jamstvom, pravom zaloga
pokretnine, zalogom nekretnine i sl.
Obrazovanje i cjeloživotno učenje, najbolja je investicija u samoga sebe. Mnogima je ta
mogućnost uskraćena, ali budući da je svaki problem u životu rješiv, postoji solucija
podizanja studentskog kredita. Njegova namjena je isključivo financiranje školovanja i
troškova života za vrijeme studiranja. Dostupni su svim studentima preddiplomskih,
diplomskih i poslijediplomskih studija u Republici Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu za rezidente.
Prednosti su otplata kredita tek nakon završetka školovanja, mogućnost odgode plaćanja prve
rate kredita čak do 12 mjeseci te uvećanje iznosa kredita za kupnju stručne literature.
Studentski kredit kao aktivni bankarski posao, koji se tek nedavno pojavio na tržištu, jako
malo je popularan i samo ga neke od kreditnih institucija u Republici Hrvatskoj nude. U radu
se analizira ponuda studentskih kredita, dostupnost istih, opći uvjeti za odobrenje, visina
kamatne stope, rok i način otplate u Privrednoj banci Zagreb d.d., Zagrebačkoj banci d.d. i
Hrvatskoj poštanskoj banci d.d. |
Abstract (english) | The loan, the relationship between the creditor and debtor in which the creditor grants a
certain amount of money on the use of the debtor, subject to certain conditions and a limited
period of time to return it. It is an important factor for economic growth and development to
finance imports an exports, investing and spending. The banks grant loans to the borrowers in
the form of cash or nomonetary loan (except for money). It is important to trust the debtor,
access his creditworthiness and ability to return the loan in time span given, with added
interest fees included. If the debtor is unable to return the money and fulfill the requirements
of the loan, the creditor has a credit guarantee in the form of movable or immovable property.
Education and lifelong learning are the best investment in onself. Many people have been
denied this opportunity, but seeing how every problem in life is solvable, one can solve this
situation by taking out a student loan. It's purpose is solely to finance schooling and the cost
of living during a person's studies. All undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in
the Republic of Croatia are viable candidates for taking out a student loan. The advantages of
this loan are the fact that the students can pay it off after they finish their education, the
possibility of postponing an installment up to twelve months and the ability to increase the
loan in order to buy necessary literature for one's studies.
Giving out student loans has only recently been introduced to the Croatian market as an
active banking business, is not very popular and few institutions in Croatia offer the service.
The aim of this work is to analyze the student loan offers in Croatia, their availability, the
general terms of approval for loan, the interest rate and the deadline and repayment
method for student loans taken out in Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Zgrebačka banka d.d. i
Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d. |