Abstract | Poduzeća su danas pokretač rasta razvoja i novog zapošljavanja. Stoga je svaki ekonomski
napredak danas neostvariv bez poduzetničkog djelovanja. Budući da poduzeća i privatni sektor
čine okosnicu gospodarstva, njihovi inovativni kapaciteti i nove vrijednosti na jedinstven način
pokreću gospodarstvo, kako na nacionalnoj tako i na svjetskoj razini. Međutim, brojne ideje ne
dožive svoju realizaciju. Kako bi se poduzetništvo uspješno razvijalo u današnjem turbulentnom
okružju potrebna je konkurentska prilika i visoka motiviranost poduzetnika da budu inovatori
i kreator poduzetničkog pothvata. Proces pokretanje i razvoja poslovnog pothvata iznimno je
dug i mukotrpan. Prije pretvaranja ideje u poslovni pothvat, potrebno je provesti sve korake
koji mogu pomoći da taj proces bude što uspješniji. Svaki poduzetnički proces najčešće
započinje odlukom da postane poduzetnik nakon čega slijedi proces razvoja ideje, analize
izvedivosti i naposljetku pokretanje poslovnog pothvata. Kako bi poduzetnički pothvat bio
reprezentativan i manje rizičan potrebno je testirati opravdanost pokretanja nekog posla.
Dokument koji služi smanjenju rizika, kao i olakšavanje sagledavanja ideje i samog pothvata
jeste poslovni plan. Iako, danas poduzetniku nitko ne može jamčiti uspjeh i profit, dobro
proveden cjelokupni poslovni proces zajedno s poslovnim planom značajno minimizira rizike i
realizira alternativna rješenja potencijalnih problema. Danas veliki broj poduzetnika zbog
svoje dugotrajnosti i iscrpnosti u potpunosti „zanemaruje“ proces poduzetničkog planiranja.
Međutim, dobro isplanirani poslovni pothvat zajedno sa potrebnim i angažiranim resursima te
kompetentnim kapitalom katkad zna biti znatno važnije od same realizacije. Stoga se ovim
radom želi istaknuti važnost poslovnog planiranja prilikom pokretanja novog poslovnog
pothvata. Osim toga, detaljnije će se analizirati i objasniti prednosti poslovnog plana kao
ključnog dokumenta poslovnog planiranja. |
Abstract (english) | Today, companies are the driver of growth, development, new employment. Therefore, any
economic progress today is unachievable without entrepreneurial action. As businesses and the
private sector form the backbone of the economy, their innovative capacities and new values
drive the economy in a unique way, both nationally and globally. However, many ideas do not
realize their realization. In order for entrepreneurship to develop successfully in todays
turbulent environment, a competitive opportunity and high motivation of entrepreneurs to be
innovators and creators of an entrepreneurial venture are needed. The process of starting and
developing a business venture is extremely long and arduous. Before turning an idea into a
business venture, it is necessary to take all the steps that can help make the process as successful
as possible. Every entrepreneurial process usually starts with the decision to become an
entrepreneur, followed by the process of developing an idea, feasibility analysis and finally
starting a business venture. In order for an entrepreneurial venture to be representative and
less risky, it is necessary to test the justification of starting a business. A document that serves
to reduce risk, as well as facilitate the perception of the idea and the venture itself is a business
plan. Even though today no one can guarantee success and profit to the entrepreneur, a wellconducted
entire business process together with a business plan significantly minimizes risks
and realizes alternative solutions to potential problems. Today, a large number of
entrepreneurs, due to their longevity and exhaustiveness, completely „neglect“ the process of
entrepreneurial planning. However, a well-planned business venture together with the
necessary and engaging resources and competent capital can sometimes be much more
important than the realization itself. Therefore, this paper seeks to emphasize the importance
of business planning when starting a new business venture. In addition, the benefits of a
business plan as a key business planning document will be analyzed and explained in more
detail. |