Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada je „Influenceri u marketinškim aktivnostima“. U radu su definirani influenceri, tko su oni, koje su prve naznake korištenja influencera za bolju promociju u povijesti i razvoj influencera kroz vrijeme te korištenje istih u različitim marketinškim aktivnostima, na koji način se može postati influencer u 6 koraka i koje su potrebne vještine i znanja za dobrog influencera, opisuje se kakav je utjecaj influencera na njihove pratitelje i ostale ljude, te se navodi u kojim postotcima ljudi vjeruju influencerima, zatim se nabrajaju 3 glavne vrste influencera. Nakon toga, definira se što su to društvene mreže, opisuje se koje su to loše, a koje dobre strane društvenih mreža i navode se neke od najpopularnijih društvenih mreža te ih se opisuje. Zatim se definira što je to marketing i koje su to marketinške aktivnosti i procesi, osim toga, definira se i što je influencer marketing, kako je on porastao u posljednje vrijeme, koje su mu prednosti i nedostatci, koja je uopće svrha influencera u marketinškim aktivnostima te se ističu neki od primjera korištenja influencera u marketinškim aktivnostima. U praktičnom dijelu ovog završnog rada provedeni su intervjui s poznatim influencerima, a to su: Ana Pulić, Anđela Rončević i Sandi Hadžić (Pego) te su odgovorili na pitanja koja se odnose na njihova mišljenja i stavove na temu influencera. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this final paper is „Influencers in marketing activities“. The paper defines influencers, who they are, what are the first indications of using influencers for better promotion in history and the development of influencers over time and their use in different marketing activities, how to become an influencer in 6 steps and what skills and of knowledge are needed for a good influencer, it describes what influence influencers have on their followers and other people, and it is stated in what percentage of people trust influencers, then 3 main types of influencers are listed. After that, it defines what social networks are, describes which are the bad and which are the good sides of social networks, and some of the most popular social networks are listed and described. Next, it defines what marketing is and what marketing activities and processes are, in addition, it also defines what influencer marketing is, how it has grown recently, what are its advantages and disadvantages, what is the purpose of influencers in marketing activities, and some examples of the use of influencers in marketing activities are highlighted. In the practical part of this final paper, interviews were conducted with famous influencers, namely: Ana Pulić, Anđela Rončević and Sandi Hadžić (Pego), and they answered questions related to their opinions and attitudes on the subject of influencers. |