Abstract | Istraživanje tržišta predstavlja proces prikupljanja, analiziranja i interpretiranja relevantnih
podataka o konkurenciji, ciljanoj publici, tržištu i industriji s ciljem stjecanja dubljeg uvida i
informacija koje mogu biti korisne za donošenje informiranih poslovnih odluka. Glavni cilj
istraživanja tržišta je razumjeti potrebe, preferencije i ponašanje potrošača, identificirati
konkurentske prednosti te procijeniti tržišni potencijal proizvoda i usluga, a uz to prepoznati
tržišne trendove i prilike za rast. Također pomože gospodarskim subjektima da bolje razumiju
svoje tržište, identificiraju potencijalne prilike za rast, razviju učinkovite marketinške strategije,
prilagode proizvode ili usluge prema potrebama ciljne skupine te se bolje pozicioniraju u
konkurentskom okruženju. Kroz istraživanje tržišta tvrtke mogu smanjiti rizike i postići
uspješne rezultate na tržištu. Za potrebe završnog rada provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje
kojim se ispitivalo o korištenju duhanskih proizvoda. Cilj istraživanja je saznati u kojoj količini
se koriste duhanski proizvodi, koji uzrasti ih najviše koriste, što najviše utječe na odabir
određenih duhanskih proizvoda i u kojim prilikama se najviše konzumiraju. Istraživanjem se
došlo do zaključka kako 63,7 % ispitanika koristi duhanske proizvode, dok njih 97 % smatraju
da duhanski proizvodi imaju loš učinak na njihovo zdravlje. 57,6 % sudionika je došlo u kontakt
sa duhanskim proizvodima putem poznanika i prijatelja, 18,2 % putem obitelji. |
Abstract (english) | Market research is the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting relevant data about the
competition, target audience, market and industry with the aim of gaining deeper insight and
information that can be useful for making informed business decisions. The main goal of
market research is to understand the needs, preferences and behavior of consumers, to identify
competitive advantages and to assess the market potential of products and services, as well as
to recognize market trends and opportunities for growth. It also helps economic entities to
better understand their market, identify potential opportunities for growth, develop effective
marketing strategies, product or service benefits according to the needs of the target group,
and better position themselves in the competitive environment. By researching the market,
companies can reduce risks and achieve successful results in the market. For the purposes of
the final paper, an empirical study was conducted that investigated the usage of tobacco
products. The goal of the research is to find out in what quantity tobacco products are used,
which age groups use them the most, what influences the choice of certain tobacco products
the most and on what occasions they are consumed the most. The research showed that 63,7%
respondents use tobacco products, while 97 % of them believe that tobacco products have a
bad effect on their health. 57,6 % of participants came into contact with tobacco products
through acquaintances and friends, 18,2 % through family. |