Abstract | Poduzeća prilikom širenja poslovanja na strana tržišta donose odluku o tome koje strategije međunarodnog marketinga žele primjenjivati u poslovanju na stranom tržištu. To je ujedno jedna od ključnih odluka koja uvelike određuje smjer poslovanja i poslovni uspjeh poduzeća na stranom tržištu.
Predmet rada su strategije međunarodnog marketinga poduzeća Coca – Cola. Popularnost, osim proizvodima koje rado konzumiraju potrošači diljem svijeta, Coca – Cola duguje međunarodnom marketingu koji već godinama uspješno provodi. Iako ima jaku konkurenciju, Coca – Cola već godinama bilježi uspjeh u poslovanju te ima lojalne potrošače. U diplomskom radu će se analiziraju se najznačajnije strategije međunarodnog marketinga na primjeru Coca – Cole. Cilj rada je prikazati koje strategije međunarodnog marketinga Coca – Cola primjenjuje na tržištima na kojima poduzeće posluje. U teorijskom dijelu rada iznose se dosadašnje relevantne spoznaje o strategijama međunarodnog marketinga, a istraživački dio rada fokusiran je na Coca – Coli i analiziranje strategija međunarodnog marketinga Coca – Cole. U radu se koriste znanstvene metode analize, sinteze, klasifikacije, deskripcije, kompilacije i studije slučaja. S obzirom na to da posluje na velikom broju tržišta koja se veličinom, strukturom i kulturno razlikuju Coca – Cola diferencira proizvode, cijene, distribuciju i promociju ovisno o tržištu, odnosno stanju i perspektivi pojedinog tržišta. Kada su u pitanju strategije međunarodnog marketinga uočeno je i objašnjeno da Coca – Cola u poslovanju koristi strategiju diferencijacije kako bi putem iste doprla do ciljnih potrošača, stvorila odnos s ciljnim potrošačima i održala pozitivan imidž među potrošačima. Zahvaljujući kontinuitetu u provođenju dobro osmišljenih marketing strategija međunarodnog marketinga, kvalitetnim proizvodima, ulaganju u izgradnju brenda i stvaranju čvrstih odnosa s potrošačima Coca – Cola je danas jedan od najpoznatijih, najpopularnijih i najuspješnijih brendova u svijetu. |
Abstract (english) | When companies expand their business to foreign markets, they make a decision about which international marketing strategies they want to apply in their business on the foreign market. It is also one of the key decisions that largely determines the business direction and business success of the company on the foreign market.
The subject of this paper is the international marketing strategies of the Coca-Cola company. Coca-Cola owes its popularity, in addition to products that are gladly consumed by consumers all over the world, to international marketing, which it has been successful implementing for years. Although it has strong competition, Coca-Cola has been successful in business for years and has loyal consumers. This paper will analyze the most important strategies of international marketing on the example of Coca-Cola. The aim of the paper is to show which international marketing strategies Coca-Cola applies in the markets where it operates. In the theoretical part of the paper, the relevant information about international marketing strategies is presented, and the research part of the paper is focused on Coca-Cola and analyzing Coca-Cola's international marketing strategies. Scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, classification, description, compilation and case study are used in the work. Given that it operates in many markets that differ in size, structure and culture, Coca-Cola differentiates its products, prices, distribution and promotion depending on the market, that is, the state and perspective of each market. When it comes to international marketing strategies, it was observed and explained that Coca-Cola uses a differentiation strategy in its business in order to reach target consumers, create a relationship with target consumers and maintain a positive image among consumers. Thanks to continuity in the implementation of well-designed international marketing strategies, quality products, investment in brand building and the creation of strong relationships with consumers, Coca-Cola is today one of the most famous, popular and successful brands in the world. |