Title Marketing kontrola
Title (english) Marketing Control
Author Tamara Grgić
Mentor Zdravko Tolušić (mentor)
Committee member Zdravko Tolušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Matić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Serdarušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Kontrola označava skup aktivnosti koje se bave utvrđivanjem kvalitete provedbe osmišljene marketing strategije. Laički rečeno, kontrola je feedback proces koji omogućava marketing menadžeru da sazna kako se ostvaruju tekući planovi, te ga usmjerava u planiranju za buduće aktivnosti. Temeljne pretpostavke uspješnije marketing-kontrole jesu: pernamentnost odvijanja, sustavnost i sveobuhvatnost provedbe, kvalitetnost i učinkovitost izvršenja, svrhovitost i preventivnost djelovanja. Postoje četiri vrste marketing kontrole, unutar kojih ima još nekoliko skupina. Vrste kontrole su: kontrola godišnjeg plana, kontrola profitabilnosti, kontrola djelotvornosti, strategijska kontrola. Kontrola godišnjeg plana može se provoditi kao: analiza prodaje, analiza tržišnog udjela, analiza troškova marketinga u odnosu spram prodaje, financijska analiza, praćenje stavova kupaca. Kontrola uspješnosti mjeri:. uspješnost ekonomske propagande, uspješnost unapređenja prodaje i uspješnost distribucije. Kontrola profitabilnosti odvija se u tri faze. Prva faza kontrole je identifikacija funkcionalnih troškova. Druga faza je alokacija funkcionalnih troškova na jedinice marketinga. Treća faza je priprema iskaza o profitu i gubitku za svaku jedinicu marketinga. Strategijska kontrola se može provesti na dva načina: ocjenom djelotvornosti marketinga i provjerom marketinga. Marketing kontrolor može biti zaposlenik poduzeća ili vanjski revizor. Idealan marketing kontrolor posjeduje napredna znanja iz financija i zavidne marketinške vještine. Idealan kontrolor morao bi voditi podatke o planovima ostvarivanja profita, voditi čvrstu kontrolu izdataka za medije, pripremati budžete koje predstavlja direktorima, upućivati prijedloge nadležnima o izboru marketing strategije, ocjenjivati uspješnost promocija, vršiti ocjenu profitabilnosti marketing aktivnosti poslovnih jedinica, sudjelovati u odlukama o nabavi i politici zaliha, te kontrolirati sveukupne troškove marketinga i njihovu opravdanost.
Abstract (english) Control means a set of activities that address the quality of the implementation of the designed marketing strategy. In short, the feedback process is a process that enables a marketing manager to find out how to make current plans and direct them to planning for future activities. "The basic assumptions of a more successful marketing control are: previousness of the process, systemicity and comprehensiveness of implementation, quality and efficiency of execution, purposefulness and preventive action. There are four types of marketing control, within which there are several groups. Types of control are: control of the annual plan, control of profitability, effectiveness control, strategic control. Control of the annual plan can be carried out as: sales analysis, market share analysis, marketing cost analysis in relation to sales, financial analysis, customer attitudes monitoring. Success Control Measures :. The success of economic propaganda, the success of sales promotion and the success of distribution. Profitability control takes place in three phases. The first phase of control is the identification of the functional costs. The second phase is the allocation of functional costs to marketing units. The third phase is the preparation of the statement of profit and loss for each marketing unit. Strategic control can be done in two ways: by evaluating marketing effectiveness and marketing checking. A marketing controller may be an employee of an enterprise or an external auditor. An Ideal Marketing Controller possesses advanced knowledge of finance and enviable
marketing skills. An ideal controller should keep track of profit-making plans, keep tight control over media spending, prepare budgets for directors, make suggestions for marketing strategy selection, evaluate the success of the promotion, evaluate the profitability of marketing activities of business units, engage in procurement decisions, and Inventory policies, and control the overall marketing costs and their justification.
kontrola godišnjeg plana
kontrola profitabilnosti
kontrola djelotvornosti
strategijska kontrola
Keywords (english)
control of the annual plan
control of profitability
effectiveness control
strategic control
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:439402
Study programme Title: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-07-13 13:46:51