Abstract | Postoje mnogi ciljevi rasta poduzeća, a neki od njih su rast dobiti te rast obujma proizvodnje. U procesu rasta mogu se pojaviti mnogi izazovi, odnosno rizici, a neki od njih su neodgovarajući kapacitet za rast ili loše upravljanje tokovima novca. Rast poduzeća, između ostalog, podrazumijeva promjenu marketinga, resursa te menadžmenta. Razlikujemo interne strategije rasta korištenjem vlastitih resursa, te eksterne strategije rasta uz pomoć vanjskih resursa. Jedna od eksternih strategija rasta je i rast putem franšiznog modela. Razvoj franšiznog poslovnog modela seže još u početke ljudskog postojanja, a slični odnosi
mogu se povezati s vladarima koji daju pravo na korištenje zemlje, a zauzvrat traže određenu naknadu. Kao prva komercijalna franšiza pojavljuje se Singer Sewing Center 1858. godine, kada je Singer mreži prodavača dao ovlaštenje za prodaju svojih proizvoda. Kasnije se pojavljuje koncept „trgovačkog odijela“ koji osim jednakog izgleda franšizne poslovnice
obuhvaća i kopiranje ostalih aspekata poslovanja. Najčešće nailazimo na dva tipa franšiznog poslovnog modela, a to su franšiza distribucije proizvoda te franšiza poslovnog formata. Kod franšize distribucije proizvoda, davatelj franšize proizvodi proizvod koji primatelj franšize prodaje. Franšiza poslovnog formata podrazumijeva da se primatelju franšize osim trgovačkog imena i logotipa na raspolaganje stavlja i sistem za poslovanje. Također, franšize možemo podijeliti i prema vrsti djelatnosti,
pa tako razlikujemo distributivnu, uslužnu, proizvodnu te mješovitu franšizu. Prema organizaciji sustava franšize se dijele na direktnu, višestruku, master franšizu te regionalno zastupništvo. Sudionici franšiznog poslovnog modela su davatelj franšize, koji kao pravna osoba ustupa pravo korištenja određenih dijelova svog poslovanja, te primatelj franšize. Najveća prednost za davatelja je što uz manje resursa može postići veći rast poslovanja, a najveća prednost za primatelja je ta što dobiva pravo korištenja već složenog poslovnog modela. Ugovor o franšizi predstavlja autonoman pravni posao, te predstavlja ugovor o
poslovnoj suradnji između davatelja i primatelja. Ugovorom o franšizi definirani su svi aspekti franšiznog poslovanja. U radu je provedena analiza poduzeća Renovo d.o.o., odnosno smoothie bara Fuitee pomoću Gibbovog modela rasta. Analizom tržišne performanse zaključeno je da je poduzetnik dobro prepoznao tržišne trendove i prilike s obzirom da izravne konkurencije nema u
poduzetnikovom okruženju. U proizvodnoj performansi analiziraju se proizvodi – zdravi doručci, sokovi, milkshakeovi i dr, recepture, procedure poslovanja te cijene i normativi proizvoda. U financijskoj analizi napravljena je horizontalna i vertikalna analiza bilance za 2013., 2014., te 2015. godinu. Iako je te tri godine poduzeće poslovalo s gubitkom, to se pripisuje velikim inicijalnim ulaganjima u poslovanje te razvoj samog koncepta. Poduzetnik je zahvaljujući svojim znanjima, iskustvu te dugotrajnom istraživanju tržišta dobro pripremio koncept poslovanja te se odlučio za rast putem franšiznog modela. Jedna od velikih prednosti je to što takav koncept nije jednostavno kopirati te zahtijeva multidisciplinarna znanja i vještine koje posjeduje sam poduzetnik. Svi elementi franšize Fruitee-a definirani su ugovorom o franšizi. Kako je potreban konstantan razvoj poslovanja uz kvalitetan odnos i usuglašavanje ciljeva primatelja i davatelja franšize, dogovoren je daljnji rad na prilagođavanju franšiznog koncepta za budući period. |
Abstract (english) | There are many company growth goals, some of them are profit growth and production volume growth. Many challenges or risks can occur in the growth process, such as unsuitable growth capacity or poor money flow management. Company growth, among other things, stands for changes in marketing, resources and management. We differentiate internal growth
strategies, using our own resources and external growth strategies with the help of external resources. One of the external growth strategies is growth through a franchise model. The development of a franchise business model goes back to the beginnings of human existence and similar relationships can be linked to the rulers who gave the right to use their
land and in turn they sought a certain remuneration. Singer Sewing Center appeared as the first commercial franchise in 1858 when Singer gave permission to his network of retailers to sell his products. Later, the concept of "merchandise suit" appears, which, besides the same look of franchise locations, means copying other aspects of the business. Most often we come across two types of franchise business models, which are franchises of product distribution and franchise business format. In the franchise of product distribution, the franchisor produces product that the franchisee sells. Franchise business format implies that a franchisee, other than a trade name and a logo, also receives a full business system. We can
also divide the franchise by the type of business, so we distinguish between distribution, service, manufacturing and mixed franchise. According to the organization of the franchise system, they are divided into direct, multiple, master franchises and regional representation. The franchise business model participants are the franchisor, who as a legal entity grants the
right to use certain parts of their business, and a franchisee. The biggest advantage for the franchisor is that he can achieve greater business growth with less resources, and the biggest advantage for the franchisee t is that he gets the right to use an already complex business model. The franchise contract is an autonomous legal agreement and is a business cooperation agreement between the franchisor and the franchisee. The franchise agreement defines all
aspects of the franchise business. The paper analyzes Renovo d.o.o. company, that is smoothie bar Fuitee using the Gibb’s growth model. Market performance analysis concluded that the entrepreneur recognized market trends and opportunities since direct competition was not in the entrepreneurial environment. In product performance, products - healthy breakfasts, juices, milkshakes etc., recipes, business procedures, prices and product norms are analyzed. In the financial analysis, horizontal and vertical analyzes of balance sheets for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 were made. Although the company has had negative business results for three years, this is attributed to large initial investment and the development of the concept itself. Thanks to his knowledge, experience and long-term market research, the entrepreneur has prepared the business concept and has decided to grow through the franchise model. One of the great advantages is that this kind of concept is not easy to duplicate and requires multidisciplinary knowledge and skills that the entrepreneur has. Every segment of the Fruitee franchise is defined by the franchise agreement. As constant business development requires a quality relationship and goal consolidation between the franchisor and the franchisee, it was agreed to work further on adapting franchise concept for future period. |