Abstract | Sve manji broj upisanih učenika u srednje strukovne škole, spora zapošljivost mladih na
zahtjevnom i promjenjivom tržištu rada, te zastarjeli nastavni planovi i programi za strukovno
obrazovanje i osposobljavanje, predstavljaju velik izazov suvremenom sustavu strukovnog
obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. U ruralnim sredinama i malim gradovima, poput Osijeka,
migracija i depopulacija stanovništva je izraženija u odnosu na veće gradove u Hrvatskoj.
Migracija stanovništva, zbog potrage za boljim radnim mjestima i većim primanjima, povećana
je ulaskom Hrvatske u Europsku uniju. Odlaskom cijelih obitelji s djecom, smanjuje se broj
upisanih učenika u srednje škole.
U velikom i tromom sustavu obrazovanja promjene se odvijaju vrlo sporo. Financijska sredstva
su ograničena, a plaće nastavnika fiksne, bez mogućnosti stimulacija. Izrada novih kurikuluma,
koji bi se prilagodili zahtjevima tržišta rada, je spor i dugotrajan proces. Nastavnici, kreatori
novih i budućih kurikuluma, trebaju potporu ravnatelja i nadležnog Ministarstva, ali i suradnju
s gospodarstvenicima. Ravnatelji imaju važnu ulogu poticanja proaktivnosti i motiviranja
nastavnika. Obzirom da u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu ima vrlo malo prostora za poticaje,
bonuse, promocije i posebne nagrade, niska je motivacija nastavnika za dodatne poslove koji
se ne plaćaju, poput izrade novih kurikuluma.
Trgovačka i komercijalna škola "Davor Milas" Osijek suočava se sa smanjenim brojem upisa
učenika dugi niz godina. Ponuda smjerova je vrlo mala, samo su dva zanimanja, trogodišnje -
prodavač i četverogodišnje – komercijalist. Postoji mogućnost jednogodišnjeg obrazovanja za
odrasle, smjer komercijalist. Obzirom da je uočen problem nedostatka upisanih učenika, raste
strah nastavnika od gubitka satnice i radnih mjesta. Svrha preporuka za proaktivno ponašanje
nastavnika i ravnatelja je povećati interes upisa učenika u strukovne škole. |
Abstract (english) | The low number of enrolled students in secondary vocational schools, low employment rates
of young people in the demanding and changeable labor market and the outdated curriculum
for vocational education and training represent a major challenge to the modern system of
vocational education in the Republic of Croatia. Migration and depopulation are more
pronounced and more noticeable in rural areas and small towns, such as Osijek, than in larger
cities in Croatia. Migration has increased due to the search for better jobs and higher incomes,
since Croatia joined the European Union. The number of enrolled students in secondary schools
decreases because families with children move to other countries of the EU.
Changes take place very slowly in a big and tedious education system. Financial resources are
limited, and teachers’ salaries are fixed, with no incentives. Creating the new curriculum that
would adapt to labor market demands is a slow and lengthy process. Teachers, creators of the
new curriculum, need support from the principals and competent authority, as well as
cooperation with businessmen. The principals play an important role in encouraging proactivity
and motivating teachers. Given that there is very little room for incentives, bonuses, promotions
and special awards in the Croatian education system, teachers have a lack of interest in
additional unpaid work, such as making a new curriculum.
The Vocational School of Commerce ˝Davor Milas˝ in Osijek has been facing the same
problem (drop in the number of students) for the last few years. This vocational school offers
only two programmes. Pupils who want to attend The Vocational School of Commerce ˝Davor
Milas˝ can become either shop assistants (three-year programme) or sales associates (four-year
programme). There is a possibility of one-year programme for adults, for a sales associate.
Given the problem of low student enrollment, the teachers' fear of losing teaching hours and
jobs is growing. The purpose of recommending proactive behavior in teachers and principals is
to increase the pupils’ interest in vocational schools. |