Title Politički marketing u digitalnom okruženju
Title (english) Political marketing in the digital environment
Author Žarko Stilin
Mentor Drago Ružić (mentor)
Committee member Zdravko Tolušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Vranešević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antun Biloš (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-02-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Doktorska disertacija analizom literature i dosadašnjih istraživanja predstavlja prethodna
saznanja u vezi marketinga, e-marketinga i političkog marketinga. Specifičan pojam, odnosno
vrsta marketinga koja će biti analizirana je politički marketing. Pojam se odnosi na planiranje
i realizaciju odnosa političke stranke s biračkim tijelom i drugim grupama unutar javnosti
kroz političku promidžbu i druge aktivnosti s ciljem pridobivanja potpore u javnosti, saboru
ili na izborima. Temeljna
... More odrednica suvremenog marketinga je orijentacija na tržište i
potrošača. Marketing je univerzalan. Njega primjenjuju svi poslovni subjekti bez obzira na
veličinu ili djelatnost. Temelj znanja o marketingu se sastoji od raznih teorija, tehnika,
metoda, sredstava, procedura i iskustva. Najpotpunija definicija marketinga prema Philipu
Kotleru glasi: „Marketing je ljudska aktivnost usmjerena na zadovoljavanje potreba i želja
putem procesa razmjene“1. S pogleda poslovnog subjekta marketing ima za cilj ostvarivanje
dobiti, dok s pogleda potrošača ima za cilj zadovoljavanje njegovih potreba. Posljedica
globalizacije i tehnološkog razvoja je e-marketing. Navedeni pojam predstava proširenje
marketinga u virtualnom prostoru. Definira se kao način ostvarenja marketinških aktivnosti
tvrtke uz intenzivnu primjenu informacijske i telekomunikacijske odnosno internetske
Disertacija daje sustavni i sveobuhvatni pregled i analizu korištenja tehnika političkog
marketinga, prvenstveno digitalnog političkog marketinga, posebice digitalne komunikacije u
predizbornoj kampanji na izborima u IV. (četvrtoj) i VIII. (osmoj) izbornoj jedinici za
Hrvatski sabor s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja na donošenje odluke o izboru stranaka i kandidata
pojedinog dobnog segmenta glasača pri čemu se utvrđuje kakvu ulogu imaju društvene mreže
i koja dobna skupina je pod većim utjecajem internetskih medija u odabiru stranaka i
kandidata. Navedene dvije izborne jedinice su izabrane zbog svojih različitosti, IV. kao
pretežito ruralna izborna jedinica i VIII. kao pretežito urbana izborna jedinica. Nastavak na
primarno istraživanje je sekundarno istraživanje ponude, odnosno zastupljenosti i promocije
stranaka i kandidata na Parlamentarnim izborima, kojim su istražene sve političke stranke i
kandidati koji su sudjelovali u političkom procesu. Sekundarno istraživanje temelji se na
dostupnoj, hrvatskoj i stranoj stručnoj literaturi koja je korištena u formiranju znanstvenog
lijevka. Less
Abstract (english) Doctoral dissertation analyzing literature and previous research represent prior knowledge
regarding marketing, e-marketing and political marketing. A specific term, respectively a kind
of marketing that will be analysed, is political marketing. The term refers to the planning and
realization of political party relations with the electorate and other groups within the public
through the political promotion and other activities aimed at obtaining public support,
parliament or
... More elections. The fundamental determinant of modern marketing is an orientation
to the market and consumers. Marketing is universal. It is applied to all business entities,
regardless of their size or business. The basis of marketing knowledge consists of various
theories, techniques, methods, resources, procedures and experiences. The most
comprehensive definition of marketing to Philip Kotler is: "Marketing is human activity
directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange processes2". From the viewpoint of a
business, marketing aims at gaining a profit, while with the view of consumers it aims to meet
its needs. The consequence of globalization and technological development is e-marketing.
This term demonstrates the expansion of marketing in the virtual space. It is defined as the
way of achieving marketing activities of the company with intensive application of
information, telecommunication and internet technology.
The dissertation provides a systematic and comprehensive overview and analysis of the use of
the techniques of political marketing, primarily digital political marketing, especially digital
communication in the pre-election campaign in the IV. (fourth) and VIII. (eighth)
constituency for the Croatian Parliament in order to determine the influence on decisionmaking on the choice of parties and candidates of a particular age-group of voters,
determining what social networking role is and what age group is influenced more by the
Internet media in the choice of parties and candidates. The two constituencies were chosen
because of their differences, IV. as a predominantly rural electoral unit and VIII. as a
predominantly urban electoral unit. The continuation of the primary research is a secondary
survey of bids, respectively representation and promotion of parties and candidates in the
Parliamentary Elections, which explored all political parties and candidates who participated
in the political process. Secondary research is based on available Croatian and foreign
literature that was used to form a scientific funnel. Less
politički marketing
politički e-marketing
politička komunikacija
Keywords (english)
political marketing
political e-marketing
political communication
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:446557
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2019-05-14 12:03:50