Author Martina Ostojić
Mentor Mirna Leko-Šimić (mentor)
Committee member Sunčica Oberman Peterka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Štimac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Vranešević (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-02-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 339 - Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy
Abstract Sustav visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj prolazi kroz proces reforme koji je
započeo potpisivanjem Bolonjske deklaracije, što je rezultiralo pojavom velikog broja
privatnih visokoobrazovnih institucija koje nemaju dugogodišnju tradiciju poput onih javnih.
Kako bi zadobile povjerenje potencijalnih studenata za nastavak njihovog obrazovanja na
jednoj od njih, marketinška orijentacija u njihovom poslovanju postaje neophodna. Proces
brendiranja kao dio marketinškoga koncepta u
... More privatnom visokom obrazovanju dugotrajan je
proces koji od institucije zahtijeva djelovanje u dva smjera. Prvi je smjer razviti jedinstvenu i
učinkovitu komunikaciju značajnu za informiranje o studijima budućih studenata pri odabiru
visokoobrazovne institucije. Drugi je razmotriti činitelje (percipirana kvaliteta, poznatost
brenda, asocijacija na brend, lojalnost brendu, ostale prednosti) koji utječu na izgradnju
brenda privatne visokoobrazovne institucije, a koji pridonose tržišnoj konkurentnosti. Stoga je
od znanstvenog interesa bilo testirati mogućnosti primjene modela brendiranja koji postoje u
gospodarstvu na visoko obrazovanje. Polazeći od Aakerovog modela tržišne vrijednosti
brenda, koji je najčešće primjenjivan u marketinškoj praksi, cilj je ove disertacije bio utvrditi
činitelje uspješnog brendiranja privatnih visokoobrazovnih institucija. U svrhu ispunjavanja
navedenog cilja, iz kojeg su proizašle i hipoteze ove disertacije, provedeno je empirijsko
istraživanje anketiranjem. Instrument istraživanja bio je upitnik sačinjen za potrebe ovog
istraživanja. Primarni dio istraživanja vezan uz ispitivanje činitelja koji utječu na izgradnju
brenda privatne visokoobrazovne institucije proveden je na uzorku od 201 studenta prve,
druge i treće godine preddiplomskih studija te prve i druge godine diplomskih studija.
Istraživanje o prepoznatljivosti privatne visokoobrazovne institucije provedeno je
anketiranjem na uzorku od 1132 studenta prilikom upisa na preddiplomske studije. Dobiveni
rezultati ukazuju na primjenjivost Aakerovog modela tržišne vrijednosti brenda i na visoko
obrazovanje. Činitelji koji su se pokazali najznačajnijima za uspješno brendiranje u području
privatnog visokog obrazovanja jesu kvaliteta studijskih programa, usklađenost cijene i
dobivenog znanja, prepoznatljivost vanjskih elemenata identiteta, odnos nastavnog i
nenastavnog osoblja prema studentima, lokacija te uređenost prostora. Prepoznatljivost
privatne visokoobrazovne institucije povećava se primjenom integrirane marketinške
komunikacijske strategije usmjerene prema budućim studentima. Pokazalo se kako
najznačajniju ulogu u tome imaju usmena predaja (studenata, predavača, diplomanata) te
službena internetska stranica visokoobrazovne institucije. Ostali izvori informiranja
(prezentacije u srednjim školama, oglašavanje, društvene mreže), koji su se pokazali manje
značajnima, ne utječu izravno na donošenje odluka o upisu na visokoobrazovnu instituciju, ali
svakako utječu na izgradnju njezina pozitivnog imidža. Less
Abstract (english) The higher education system in the Republic of Croatia has been going through a reform
process since the adoption of the Bologna declaration, resulting in the emergence of a great
number of private higher education institutions that lack the long tradition upheld by public
higher education institutions. In order to gain trust of potential students to continue their
education at one of them, marketing orientation has become indispensable. The branding
process as part of the
... More marketing concept in private higher education is a long-term process
requiring that an institution act in two directions. The first one requires the development of
unique and effective communication, providing information on the study programmes for
potential students in the higher education selection process. The second one requires
observation of factors (perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty,
other proprietary) that affect brand building of a private higher education institution,
simultaneously contributing to creating a competitive edge on the market. Therefore, testing
the possibility of applying the existing branding models in economy to higher education was
of scientific interest. Starting from Aaker's model of brand equity, the aim of this dissertation
was to determine the factors of successful branding of private higher education institutions.
With the purpose of accomplishing this aim, which also brought about the dissertation
hypotheses, an empirical research study was conducted via survey questionnaires. The
research regards a study of factors affecting brand building of a private higher education
institution, and it was conducted on a sample of 201 students of the first, second and third
year of undergraduate study programmes and the first and second year of graduate study
programmes. The part of research relating to the recognition of a private higher education
institution was conducted on a sample of 1,132 students as they enrolled in their respective
undergraduate study programmes. The obtained results indicate the applicability of Aaker's
model of brand equity on higher education. The most significant factors for successful
branding in the area of private higher education were the following: quality of the study
programme, price to gained knowledge ratio, recognition of external identity elements,
attitude of both teaching and non-teaching staff toward students, location and design of
premises. The recognition of a private higher education institution increases with the
implementation of an integrated marketing communication strategy oriented toward future
students. The most significant role in its achievement is word-of-mouth (by students, teachers
and graduates), together with the official web page of the higher education institution. Other
information sources (presentations in secondary schools, advertising, social networks) were
shown to be less significant, and do not influence the decision-making process directly, but
certainly impact the building of the positive brand image of the higher education institution. Less
privatno visoko obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
private higher education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:665411
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: International inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-09-11 11:04:57