Title Komunikacijske vještine u poslovnom pregovaranju : Diplomski rad
Title (english) Communication skills in business negotiation : Graduate paper
Author Iva Bognar
Mentor Helena Štimac (mentor)
Committee member Jerko Glavaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Kelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Štimac (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of Marketing) Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Komunikacija je oduvijek imala važnu ulogu u međuljudskim odnosima. Komunikacijom ljudi
razvijaju društvene i poslovne odnose. Pojavom globalizacije komunikacija dostiže višu razinu,
te omogućuje dobru i uspješnu komunikaciju svim ljudima diljem svijeta. Pojavom interneta i
novih medija greške u komunikaciji uvelike su se smanjile. Istina je da one i dalje postoje ali u
nešto manjim količinama. Pojavom globalizacije omogućeno je proširenje poslovanja i
prelaženje granica kako izvan
... More vlastite države tako i kontinenta, možemo reći da je cijeli svijet
povezan. Kako bi komunikacija bila što bolja i uspješnija važno je naučiti, razumjeti i steći
komunikacijske vještine. Komunikacijske vještine najčešće se spominju u kontekstu poslovnog
svijeta. Gotovo svi poslodavci zahtijevaju da osoba ima dobro razvijene komunikacijske
vještine. One se stječu kroz radno iskustvo, obrazovanje, učenje i edukaciju. Uspješna
komunikacija otvara vrata svima, a posebnom onima koji planiraju proširiti svoje poslovanje i
probiti se na tržište. Komunikacija predstavlja svaki oblik verbalnog i neverbalnog izražavanja.
Verbalna komunikacija je često vrlo jasna, dok neverbalnom šaljemo određene poruke kojih ni
sami možda nismo svjesni. U poslovnim pregovorima svaki element verbalne, kao i neverbalne
komunikacije, je bitan i šalje određenu poruku. Iz tog razloga potrebno je biti svjestan poruke
koja se šalje sugovorniku, odnosno pregovaraču.
U fokusu ovog diplomskog rada je analiza komunikacije u poslovnim subjektima, kao i kako
oni komuniciraju sa svojim poslovnim partnerima, koje strategije i taktike primjenjuju i koje su
po njima najuspješnije. U radu su prikazane vrste komunikacija, kao i njihove uloge u
poslovnom pregovaranju. Navedene su i ključne komunikacijske vještine koje je potrebno
usavršiti kako bi komunikacija bila uspješna. Također provedeno je i istraživanje u svrhu
analiziranja međusobnog komuniciranja u poslovnim subjektima, kao i izvan njih. Less
Abstract (english) Communication has always played a key role in interpersonal relationships which organically
translated to social and business relationships being developed through communication.
Subsequently, with the advent of globalization, communication reached yet another level and
began to serve as a tool for better, more rapid and more successful information exchange
benefiting people on a global scale. What is more, with the invention of the new source of
media, namely, the Internet,
... More communication errors have been greatly reduced. Although it is
true that communication errors are still present, however, the quantity of the information
inaccuracy decreased to an extent.. Additionally, globalization did not only affect the way
people communicate, but also, it has facilitated the global connection of businesses and made
international and intercontinental travel easier. In terms of communication itself, for the
communication to be successful for both the speaker and the interlocutor, it is important to
understand that certain communication skills need to be acquired. Communication skills are
most often mentioned in the context of the business world. Almost all employers require that a
person have well developed communication skills. They are acquired through work experience,
education and learning. Also, it can be extremely beneficent to be successful in communication,
especially for those in the world of business in which expansion, for which communication
skills are crucial, is a natural step on the road to success. Interestingly, communication includes
any form of verbal and non-verbal expression. Of course, it is the verbal communication that is
often more easily understandable, while the non-verbal, on the other hand, can often be hard
even to detect and often goes unnoticed. In business negotiation every element of both verbal
and non-verbal communication is significant because it bears meaning. That is why it is
important to be aware of the messages one sends to his or her negotiator.
Finally, the focus of the thesis will be the analysis of the business entities and the way they
communicate with their business partners. The strategies and tactics that these entities apply
will also be studied. The paper will also try to answer which strategies prove to be the most
successful. The theoretical part of the paper will include all the types of communication which
will also be explained. In addition, it will explain miscellaneous roles of communication types
in business negotiations. It also outlines key communication skills that need to be perfected for
communication to be successful. The practical part of the paper will include a survey that wasconducted
to analyze the modus operandi of communication in business entities as well as
outside them. Less
verbalna i neverbalna komunikacija
komunikacijske vještine
poslovno pregovaranje
Keywords (english)
verbal and nonverbal communication
communication skills
business negotiation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:834567
Study programme Title: Business economy; specializations in: Trade and logistics, Management, Logistic management , Business informatics Course: Trade and logistics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: Magistar/magistra ekonomije (Magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-22 11:52:59