Abstract | Problemi u organizaciji su neizbježni bez obzira o kakvoj se organizaciji radi. Problemi,
odnosno zahtjevi za promjenom mogu se prepoznati ukoliko organizacijom rukovode iskusni
menadžer. Menadžeri vode brigu o tome da zaposlenici nemaju na sebi dodatna opterećenja
osim svog posla. Kompletnom analizom i snimkom poslovanja određuju se trenutni ili budući
problemi koji će snaći organizaciju. Kontroliranim metodama i sredstvima problemi se
uspješno prepoznaju i definiraju te se stvara plan promjene organizacije. Plansko rješavanje
organizacijskih problema znači da se organizacija na vrijeme i preventivno brine o mogućim
poteškoćama i izazovima. Prilikom istraživanja o kojim se problemima radi, najčešće se
koristi dijagram koji se naziva i riblja kost. Struktura ribljeg kostura te svih kostiju – do onih
najtanjih zapravo simbolizira kostur organizacije te čimbenike koji utječu na stvaranje novih
uvjeta i nove organizacije. Postoje tri faze promjene i vrlo je bitno kroz sve tri proći uz
praćenje svih trenutnih stanja, ali i procjena novih, budućih stanja koja će utjecati direktno ili
indirektno na organizaciju. Sukobi na radnom mjestu nisu nepoznanica niti jednom
menadžeru. Postoji nekoliko načina za prevenciju sukoba među zaposlenicima, a njegov izbor
ovisi i o području djelatnosti poduzeća. Uz sukobe, drugi najveći problem i izazov u igri
tržišta i organizacije je stres. Sukobi među zaposlenicima mogu se tolerirati do jedne mjere,
ali pod strogim nadzorom nadređenih osoba kako ne bi došlo i eskaliralo na više distance
organizacije. Stres je danas problem generalno cijeloga svijeta. Na stres prvenstveno može
utjecati sam pojedinac, a nakon toga i stručne osobe. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, facing problems in an organisation is an inevitable part of work in all companies.
Problems, or call for changes, can be identified if they have experienced people in
management positions. Furthermore, managers take care of the employees, so they are not
burdened by things unrelated to their job role. By doing the complete business analysis,
current problems can be detected and future problems in a company can be foreseen. Issues
can be successfully recognized by the use of various controlled methods and resources, after
which the plan for necessary changes in an organisation is formed. Moreover, planned solving
of an organisational problems implies that the company thinks preventively and in the
appropriate time manner about possible problems and challenges. During the investigation of
the problems the Ishikawa diagram, also known as the fishbone diagram, is one of the most
often used diagrams. The structure of the fish skeleton, including even the thinnest of the
bones, symbolizes the structure of an organisation and factors that have an impact on creating
new conditions and organisation. There are three phases of change and it is of the utmost
importance to go through all three of them, while monitoring all current conditions. Also, it is
essential that the estimation of the new future circumstances, which directly or indirectly
impact the company, are observed throughout the process. Conflicts in the work environment
are a well-known and often occurring issue for all managers. There are a lot of different
methods for the prevention of conflicts among the employees, while the choice of the method
will depend on the field of interest of the company. However, conflicts among employees can
be tolerated up to a certain level, but under the strict supervision of the person in charge, so
that any further escalation to the higher structures of an organisation is prevented. The second
biggest problem, after the conflicts, is stress. Generally, stress is one of the biggest problems
around the globe. Primarily it is an individual that can have an effect on the stress, but there
are professionals that can help in handling and lowering stress if needed. |