Abstract | U današnje vrijeme svakodnevno se susrećemo sa izrazima poslovni plan, poslovni pothvat,
poduzetnička ideja, investicijska studija. U ovom radu cilj je pokazati što je poslovni plan u
odnosu na investicijsku studiju, te koje su razlike između ta dva dokumenta. Poslovni plan je
dokument koji opisuje ciljeve nekog poduzetničkog pothvata, i način na koji će se ciljevi
ostvariti. Investicijska studija se još naziva i investicijski projekat, investicijski elaborat ili
investicijski plan. Investicijska studija je dokument koji za projekt investicija u pokretanje
novog posla ili povećanje obima poslovanja, prikazuje ekonomsku isplativost ulaganja, ako i
način na koji će projekat biti realiziran.
Završni rad je podijeljen na dva dijela, od kojih je prvi do rada teorijskim, a drugi dio je
praktični. Teorijski dio obrađuje pojam poslovnog planiranja, što je poslovni plan, što je
investicijska studija, a cilj završnog rada je pojasniti koji su dijelovi jednog i drugog
dokumenta, te definirati koje su razlike između njih.
Praktični dio rada prikazuje put od poslovne ideje do realizacije. U poslovnom planu temeljni
je cilj pojasniti, te analizirati ideju povećanja obima proizvodnje, ulaganje u nove strojeve koji
se koriste u pčelarstvu. Jako je važno istražiti konkurenciju na tržištu radi poboljšanja
proizvoda, kao i proizvodnja nekih novih proizvoda vezanih uz pčelarstvo, te proboja na nova
Obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo (OPG) Paprić Predrag je poljoprivredno gospodarstvo
koje se uglavnom bavi poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom raznih poljoprivrednih kultura, kao što
su pšenica, kukuruz, soja, suncokret, šećerna repa. S obzirom da posjeduje i košnice sa
pčelama i bavi se proizvodnjom meda, u budućnosti je plan povećati proizvodnju meda, kao i
uvesti novine u istoj, proširiti tržište, ulagati u nove alate koji se koriste u proizvodnji.
Pri pisanju rada korištene su metode pisanja stručnog rada. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, we come across the terms business plan, business venture, entrepreneurial idea,
and investment study on a daily basis. In this paper, the aim is to show what a business plan is
in relation to an investment study, and what the differences between these two documents are.
A business plan is a document that describes the goals of an entrepreneurial venture, and how
the goals will be achieved. An investment study is also called an investment project,
investment study or investment plan. An investment study is a document that, for an
investment project in starting a new business or increasing the volume of business, shows the
economic profitability of the investment, as well as the way in which the project will be
The final work is divided into two parts, the first of which is to work theoretical, and the
second part is practical. The theoretical part deals with the concept of business planning,
which is a business plan, which is an investment study, and the aim of the final paper is to
clarify which are the parts of both documents, and to define the differences between them.
The practical part of the paper shows the path from business idea to realization. The basic
goal of the business plan is to clarify and analyze the idea of increasing the volume of
production, investment in new machines used in beekeeping. It is very important to research
the competition in the market in order to improve products, as well as the production of some
new products related to beekeeping, and breakthrough into new markets.
Family agricultural farm Paprić Predrag is an agricultural farm that is mainly engaged in
agricultural production of various agricultural crops, such as wheat, corn, soybeans,
sunflowers, sugar beets. Since it also owns beehives and is engaged in honey production, in
the future the plan is to increase honey production, as well as to introduce innovations in it,
expand the market, invest in new tools used in production.
When writing a paper, methods of writing a professional paper were used. |