Abstract | Digitalni marketing, a u okviru njega mobilni te influencer marketing kao kanali oglašavanja,
bilježe nagli rast, posebice u posljednjih nekoliko godina usponom raznih društvenih mreža i
mogućnošću oglašavanja na istima. Brojni marketinški stručnjaci bave se ovom zanimljivom
tematikom, stoga, svrha i cilj ovog rada je ukazati na značaj i koristi oglašavanja strategijom
utjecajnih osoba (influencera), koje mobilne kanale influenceri koriste kako bi u online
okruženju plasirali svoje marketinške poruke te izučavani su potencijali, prednosti i mogućnosti
korištenja ove strategije.
Rad je koncipiran u dva ključna dijela. U prvom dijelu, obrađena je teorijska podloga
oglašavanja, mobilnog marketinga te influencer marketinga. Također, naglašeni su poznati
hrvatski influenceri, brendovi koji koriste influencer marketing te objašnjeni su mobilni kanali
koje influenceri koriste kako bi plasirali svoje marketinške poruke svojim pratiteljima.
Istaknute su prednosti i nedostaci influencer marketinga te s kojim problemima se suočavaju
marketing stručnjaci. U drugom dijelu rada, obavljeno je istraživanje te analizirani su rezultati
o korištenju društvenih mreža, praćenju influencera te koliki utjecaj oni imaju na njihove
kupovne navike. S obzirom na činjenicu kako je krajnji cilj svake dobre marketinške
komunikacije ostvarenje konverzije, odnosno ostvarenje prodaje, u istraživanju stavljen je
naglasak na prodajne mogućnosti putem oglašavanja strategijom influencera. Iako se ovakav
oblik oglašavanja strategijom influencera pokazao uspješnim te ocjenjena je visoka razina
zadovoljstva takvim proizvodima, problem je što korisnici društvenih mreža nemaju povjerenje
u influencere. U budućnosti, potrebna je veća transparentnost influencera i brendova u ovakvom
obliku oglašavanje jer će se samo na takav način povećati povjerenje pratitelja i kredibilitet
influencerovih recenzija o proizvodima, od čega će naravno najviše koristi imati pratitelji, a
samim time i brendovi koji stupaju u suradnju s influencerima.
Rad se preporučuje svima koji prate rast i razvoj oglašavanja kroz strategiju utjecajnih osoba u
mobilnom okruženju jer samo spoznajom povezanosti influencera, brendova i pratitelja može
se utjecati na potrošačke navike. |
Abstract (english) | Digital marketing, within it mobile and influencer marketing, have recorded a rapid growth,
especially in the last few years with the rise of various social media and the possibility of
advertising on them. Numerous marketing experts deal with this interesting topic, therefore, the
purpose and goal of this paper is to point out the importance and benefits that advertising
strategy of influencers has. Also, which mobile channels influencers use to launch their
marketing messages in the online environment and the possibilities of using this strategy in
brand advertisement.
The paper consists two key parts. In the first part, the theoretical basis of advertising, mobile
marketing and influencer marketing is discussed. Also, well-known Croatian influencers and
famous brands that use influencer marketing were analyzed, while mobile channels that
influencers use to get their marketing messages to followers were explained. The advantages
and disadvantages of influencer marketing were discussed, as well as the problems that
marketing experts are facing. In the second part of the paper, a research was conducted and
analyzed were the results of the use of social media, influencer followers and how much
influence they have on their shopping habits. Given that the ultimate goal of any good marketing
communication strategy is to achieve conversion, i.e. sales, the research focused on sales
opportunities advertising through Influencer strategy. Although this form of advertising has
proven to be successful and there was assessed high level of satisfaction with such products,
the problem is that social media users do not trust influencers. In the future, it's imperative to
have a greater transparency of influencers and brands in this form of advertisement because it's
the only way to increase the trust of followers and the credibility of their product reviews,
which, of course, most followers will benefit from and thus, the brands that cooperate with
The paper is recommended to everyone who follows the growth and development of advertising
through influencer strategies in mobile environment, because only by knowing the connection
between influencers, brands and followers, the consumer habits can be influenced and
persuaded. |