Abstract | Obrazovanje je danas ključni element za uspjeh pojedinca, ali i sam rast i razvoj države. Isto
tako, obrazovanje je ključni element za rast i napredak društva u kojem živimo. Kada se ljudi
obrazuju, oni mogu značajno pridonijeti svojoj obitelji i društvu u različitim aspektima i
područjima, stvarajući tako stabilnu i poticajnu zajednicu. Pronalaženje posla nije lako,
pogotovo u vrijeme ekonomskih previranja. Česta su natjecanja sa stotinama drugih kandidata
za upražnjeno mjesto. Osim toga, što je niža razina obrazovanja, to se veći broj ljudi prijavljuje
za isto nisko plaćeno početno radno mjesto. Međutim, s odgovarajućim kvalifikacijama i
obrazovanjem, povećavaju se šanse da se dobije željeni posao.
Tema i svrha ovog završnog rada je važnost ekonomskih odrednica hrvatskog obrazovnog
sustava. U ovom radu je definiran koncept obrazovnog sustava i prikazane su sve poveznice s
gospodarstvom i sve ekonomske odrednice obrazovanja. Svrha je ovog rada usporediti
obrazovanje Republike Hrvatske i Njemačke, izabrane članice Europske unije. Osim toga,
analizirat će se zaposlenost i nezaposlenost Republike Hrvatske u smislu obrazovne razine
stanovništva. |
Abstract (english) | Education today is a crucial element for successful individuals and the growth and development
of the state itself. Likewise, education is also an essential element for the growth and progress
of the society in which we live. When people are educated, they can make a significant
contribution to their family and society in various aspects and areas, thus creating a stable and
supportive community. However, finding a job is not easy, especially in times of economic
turmoil. There are frequent competitions with hundreds of other candidates for the vacancy. In
addition, the lower the level of education, the more people apply for the same low-paid starting
job. However, with the right qualifications and education, the chances of getting the desired job
The topic and purpose of this final paper is an important economic determinant of the Croatian
education system. This paper defines the concept of the education system and presents links
with the economy. Also, it shows the economic determinants of education. It is important to
compare the education system of the Republic of Croatia and Germany, elected members of the
European Union. In addition, the employment and unemployment of the Republic of Croatia
and the conections of the labor market with the education system are also subject to analysis.
Keywords: competitiveness, education, training, financingEducation today is a crucial element
for successful individuals and the growth and development
of the state itself. Likewise, education is also an essential element for the growth and progress
of the society in which we live. When people are educated, they can make a significant
contribution to their family and society in various aspects and areas, thus creating a stable and
supportive community. However, finding a job is not easy, especially in times of economic
turmoil. There are frequent competitions with hundreds of other candidates for the vacancy. In
addition, the lower the level of education, the more people apply for the same low-paid starting
job. However, with the right qualifications and education, the chances of getting the desired job
The topic and purpose of this final paper is an important economic determinant of the Croatian
education system. This paper defines the concept of the education system and presents links
with the economy. Also, it shows the economic determinants of education. It is important to
compare the education system of the Republic of Croatia and Germany, elected members of the
European Union. In addition, the employment and unemployment of the Republic of Croatia
and the connections of the labor market with the education system are also subject to analysis. |