Abstract | Da bi poduzeće zadovoljilo potrebe potrošača i ostvarilo dobit, mora upotrebljavati različita
marketing-istraživanja kojima se prikupljaju, registriraju, analiziraju i interpretiraju podaci,
koji su temelj za donošenje adekvatnih marketing-odluka. Istraživanje tržišta predstavlja vrlo
složen pojam te je zbog toga rad orijentiran na metodu ispitivanja kao jednu od metoda u
istraživanju tržišta, a kojom saznajemo potrebe, želje i očekivanja potrošača o ambalaži,
dizajnu, cijeni, distribuciji i promociji nekog proizvoda.
Koristeći metodu deskripcije, analize, komparacije, kompilacije i sinteze te stručnu literaturu
domaćih i stranih autora, definirana je i opisana metoda ispitivanja, načini provođenja metode
te primjena u istraživanju tržišta kao i sve prednosti i nedostaci njezina korištenja. U radu je
detaljnije objašnjena i sondaža kao jedan od najčešćih načina provođenja ispitivanja.
Svrha i cilj ovoga rada je upoznati čitatelja s metodom ispitivanja te prikazati važnost njezina
korištenja prilikom istraživanja tržišta. Nakon obavljenog istraživanja dolazi se do zaključka
kako primjena metode ispitivanja u istraživanju tržišta sadrži određene prednosti, ali i
nedostatke ovisno o načinu ispitivanja odnosno svaki oblik ispitivanja ima svoje prednosti i
nedostatke. Tako na primjer prilikom osobnog ispitivanja neposredno sudjelovanje anketara u
ispitivanju pruža mogućnost razjašnjavanja nejasnoća, dodatnog objašnjenja; mogu se
pokazivati predmeti istraživanja (proizvodi, ambalaža..) za razliku od ispitivanja putem pošte
ili putem telefona kod kojih to nije moguće. Na temelju prednosti i nedostataka određenog
načina ispitivanja donosi se odluka o odabiru tehnike ispitivanja. Stoga bi ovaj rad mogao biti
koristan osobama koje zanima istraživanje tržišta, a posebno metoda ispitivanja. |
Abstract (english) | For an enterprise to meet the demands of consumers and make a profit, it must utilize various
marketing research to collect, register, analyze and interpret data, which become the foundation
of making adequate marketing decisions. Market research is a very complex concept.
Therefore, this paper is oriented towards the test method, one of the methods used in market
research, as it determines the needs, desires and expectations of consumers concerning
packaging, design, price, distribution and promotion of a product. By combining the methods
of description, analysis, comparison, compilation and synthesis with professional literature of
domestic and foreign authors, the definition and description of the test method, its methods of
implementation, its applications in market research as well as all the advantages and
disadvantages of its use have been determined and presented. Sounding is also explained in
great detail as one of the most common ways of conducting tests. The purpose and goal of this
paper is to acquaint the reader with the test method and to showcase its importance in market
research. With the research being concluded, the paper argues that the application of the test
method in market research contains both advantages and disadvantages, depending on which
testing method was used; ie each form of testing has its advantages and disadvantages. For
example, during a personal examination, the direct participation of the interviewer in the
examination provides an opportunity to clarify ambiguities and offer additional explanations;
research objects (products, packaging ...) can be displayed, as opposed to examinations by mail
or telephone where this is not possible. Based on the advantages and disadvantages of a
particular testing method, a decision is made on the choice of the proper testing technique.
Therefore, this paper could be useful to those interested in market research, and in particular
the test method. |