Author Bojan Bodražić
Mentor Darko Dukić (mentor)
Committee member Josip Mesarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jerko Glavaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 005 - Management
Abstract Sport je postao globalni fenomen i djelatnost koja zauzima važno mjesto u društvenom i
ekonomskom životu. Efektivno i efikasno upravljanje, koje podrazumijeva racionalno
korištenje raspoloživih resursa, temeljni je preduvjet za ostvarenje sportskih i svih ostalih
ciljeva sportske organizacije. Danas se od sportskih organizacija, bilo da su u pitanju privatne
tvrtke ili javne udruge, očekuje da posluju odgovorno i doprinose razvoju lokalne i šire
zajednice. Okruženje sportskog menadžmenta sve je složenije i na njega utječu brojni
čimbenici. Među njima se posljednjih desetljeća posebno izdvaja tehnološki napredak, koji
pruža brojne mogućnosti, ali istovremeno predstavlja i veliki izazov za sportske menadžere.
Polazeći od navedenog, glavni je cilj ovog rada istražiti i rasvijetliti različite aspekte primjene
IKT-a u menadžmentu sportskih organizacija. Doktorska disertacija nastojala je utvrditi u
kojoj su mjeri takve tehnologije implementirane u upravljanju hrvatskim sportskim savezima i
klubovima, odnosno koliko su one potpora menadžerima u obavljanju njihovih aktivnosti i
zadataka. U okviru istraživanja također su ispitane informatičke kompetencije sportskih
dužnosnika, njihova percepcija uloge IKT-a te problemi s kojima se suočavaju u integraciji
suvremenih tehnologija u praksu menadžmenta. Povrh toga, provedena je i analiza razlika u
stavovima i percepciji sportskih menadžera s obzirom na socio-demografska obilježja i
karakteristike organizacija u kojima djeluju.
Sa svrhom prikupljanja podataka provedena je online anketa na uzorku ispitanika koji
obnašaju rukovodeće dužnosti u hrvatskim sportskim savezima i klubovima olimpijskih
sportova. Prema rezultatima, sportski dužnosnici ocjenjuju svoja iskustva u upotrebi IKT-a
zadovoljavajućima te smatraju da posjeduju jako dobra osnovna znanja i vještine iz tog
područja, dok slabije vrednuju napredne informatičke kompetencije. Istraživanje je nadalje
otkrilo da, usprkos tomu što se u svom poslu značajno oslanjaju na IKT, postoje područja u
kojima njegovi potencijali nisu potpuno iskorišteni. Jedan je od zaključaka studije i da osobe
koje se nalaze na rukovodećim pozicijama u hrvatskim sportskim organizacijama smatraju da
je IKT esencijalan za efikasno upravljanje i da ima važnu ulogu u izvršavanju menadžerskih
funkcija i aktivnosti. Na temelju rezultata analize također je prihvaćena hipoteza da postoje
određene prepreke u procesu integracije IKT-a u menadžment hrvatskih sportskih
organizacija. Razlike u odgovorima sportskih menadžera, s obzirom na socio-demografska
obilježja i karakteristike organizacija u kojima djeluju, uglavnom se nisu pokazale značajnima.
No, ipak je u pogledu pojedinih pitanja moguće izdvojiti čimbenike koji utječu
na stavove i percepciju menadžera. Iako je istraživanje ukazalo na određene poteškoće,
nedostatke i slabosti, poput vrlo malog broja organizacija s informatičkom podrškom, može se
općenito zaključiti da je, prema rezultatima studije, implementacija IKT-a u menadžmentu
hrvatskih sportskih saveza i klubova na zadovoljavajućoj razini. To nipošto ne znači da nisu
potrebna poboljšanja u procesu uvođenja i primjene IKT-a u menadžmentu hrvatskih
sportskih saveza i klubova. Naprotiv, upotrebu IKT-a u sportskom menadžmentu nužno je
kontinuirano poticati i unapređivati. S obzirom na rapidni tehnološki napredak i dinamične
promjene u sportu, pitanja kojima se bavi ova doktorska disertacija zahtijevaju stalnu
pozornost i daljnja istraživanja.
Abstract (english) Sport has become a global phenomenon and an activity that plays an important role in social
and economic life. Effective and efficient management, which implies the rational use of
available resources, is key to successful achievement of sporting as well as any other goals of
a sport organisation. Today, sport organisations, regardless of whether they are private
companies or public associations, are expected to operate in a responsible manner and
contribute to the development of the local and wider community. Sport management is
becoming increasingly complex due to a number of factors. In particular, technological
progress has greatly shaped its development in recent decades. While offering many
opportunities, it also presents a great challenge for sport managers. With this in mind, the
main aim of the thesis is to explore and offer a deeper insight into various aspects of the
application of ICT in the management of sport organisations. The thesis seeks to determine
the level of implementation of ICT in the management of national sport federations and clubs,
and the extent to which it helps managers in their work. The research also examines the IT
competencies of sport officials, their perception of the role of ICT, and the challenges facing
them in integrating modern technologies into management practices. In addition, an analysis
is conducted of differences in the attitudes and perceptions of sport managers according to
their socio-demographic characteristics and characteristics of the organisations in which they
To collect data, an online survey has been carried out using a sample drawn from managers in
national Olympic sport federations and clubs in Croatia. The results indicate that sport
officials assess their level of use of ICT as satisfactory and consider that they have very good
basic knowledge and skills in this area, but not advanced IT competencies. Furthermore, the
survey found that, despite relying heavily on ICT in their work, there are areas where its
potential has not been fully exploited. One of the conclusions of the study is that people in
management positions in Croatian sport organisations believe that ICT is essential for
effective management and has an important role in performing managerial functions and
activities. The results of the analysis also support the hypothesis that there are some barriers
to integrating ICT into the management of Croatian sport organisations. Mostly no significant
differences were found in the responses of sport managers according to their sociodemographic
characteristics and characteristics of the organisations in which they work.However, several factors
have been found to influence some of the respondents' attitudes and
perceptions. Although the survey results reveal that there are some problems and weaknesses,
such as the fact that very few organisations have IT support, based on the results it can be
concluded that the progress of implementation of ICT in the management of Croatian sport
federations and clubs is satisfactory. However, this does not mean that there is no need for
improvements in the process of implementation and application of ICT in the management of
national sport federations and clubs in Croatia. Quite the contrary, the use of ICT in sport
management needs to be continuously promoted and supported. Given the rapid technological
progress and dynamic changes in sport, the issues addressed in this thesis warrant further
implementacija IKT-a
menadžment sportskih organizacija
sportski menadžeri
informatičke kompetencije
prepreke integraciji IKT-a
Keywords (english)
ICT implementation
management of sport organisations
sport managers
IT competencies
barriers to ICT integration
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:327805
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-08-26 08:18:29