Author Lidija Nujić
Mentor Zdravko Tolušić (mentor)
Mentor Ivan Herak (komentor)
Committee member Davorin Turkalj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Stanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Doris Peručić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2023-10-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 005 - Management
Abstract Turisti su najvećim dijelom usmjerili svoja putovanja prema moru, stoga ne začuđuje činjenica
da maritimni turizam čini većinu cjelokupnog turističkog prometa u svijetu. Nautički turizam
predstavlja jedan od najatraktivnijih oblika turizma i u Republici Hrvatskoj, s izrazitim
potencijalom daljnjega rasta. Korisnici luka nautičkog turizma se u ovom radu, prema
vremenskom kriteriju – duljini boravka u lukama i marinama, promatraju kroz dvije kategorije.
Prvi su klasični nautičari koji imaju
... More vlastita plovila i uglavnom koriste godišnji ili višemjesečni
vez u marini ili na suhom te borave u lukama i marinama četiri dana i dulje. U drugu kategoriju
ulaze tranzitni (prolazni) nautičari, u naravi nestacionirani nautičari koji obilaze obalu, dok
nautičke marine koriste radi opskrbe i zadovoljavanja osobnih potreba. Oni u lukama i
marinama borave do tri dana.
Vještim upravljanjem odrednicama koje utječu na konkurentnost, umijeće upravljanja također
postaje svojevrstan čimbenik koji utječe na konkurentnost nautičkog turizma. U cilju
upravljanja odrednicama konkurentnosti na najbolji mogući način, potrebno je imati uvid u sve
raspoložive resurse te obilježja tržišta. Stoga, da bi se moglo govoriti o upravljanju
konkurentnošću nautičkog turizma, stavljajući fokus na tranzitne nautičare, potrebno je
precizirati karakteristike ovog, dosad neistraženog, profila gostiju.
Esencijalni dio ovog rada i cilj istraživanja predstavlja prikazivanje većeg stupnja zadovoljstva
ponudom i uslugama tranzitnih nautičara u odnosu na klasične nautičare. Dodatno, cilj je i
utvrditi socio-demografske karakteristike novog segmenta koji do sada nije bio opisan u
literaturi (tranzitnog nautičara) te utvrditi obilježja njegova boravka, u cilju boljeg upravljanja
i povećanja konkurentnosti nautičkog turizma.
Doprinos rada očituje se u tome što je, po prvi put u Republici Hrvatskoj, provedeno istraživanje
koje nautički turizam sagledava iz perspektive konkurentnosti promatranu kroz tranzitne
nautičare te (teorijski i empirijski) istražuje konkretne sastavnice koje utječu na spomenutu
konkurentnost. Empirijski dio rada oslanja se na kvantitativno istraživanje, točnije anketno
Provedeno istraživanje je ukazalo na postojanje opće razine zadovoljstva elementima ponude
te mogućnost unaprjeđenja kvalitete elemenata ponude. Također je ukazalo na novi segment
nautičara – tranzitne nautičare. Međutim, njihove navike, želje, iskustva i prohtjevi nisu do sada
obuhvaćeni niti jednim istraživanjem.
Rezultati istraživanja mogu poslužiti praksi jer daju konkretna obilježja tranzitnih nautičara te
razinu njihova zadovoljstva i percepciju ponude nautičkog turizma, imajući na umu svoje
specifične nautičke potrebe. Isto tako, rezultati mogu poslužiti u daljnjim istraživanjima
vezanim uz specifične oblike turizma te u razvoju strategije za poboljšanje konkurentske
pozicije nautičkog turizma Hrvatske. Naime, rad je ukazao na trenutno stanje nautičkog turizma
u Hrvatskoj, na njegove neuralgične točke, ali i prilike za poboljšanje njegove konkurentske
pozicije na tržištu.
Nameću se određena ograničenja istraživanja kao što je relevantnost uzorka s obzirom na
zastupljenost kategorija ispitanika (korisnici godišnjeg veza, korisnici mjesečnoga veza i
korisnici dnevnog veza). Činjenica da je istraživanje provedeno u ACI marinama predstavlja
ograničenje istraživanja, no sama važnost ACI marina za nautički turizam u Hrvatskoj i
istraživanu tematiku ukazuje na mogućnost donošenja zaključaka o populaciji tranzitnih
nautičara. Nadalje, kratko vremensko razdoblje provođenja istraživanja (ljetna sezona) i
ograničena dostupnost ispitanika čine određeno ograničenje istraživanja.
Rad se sastoji od uvodnih razmatranja i četiriju dijelova, zaključnog razmatranja, popisa
literature, grafova, slika i tablica te priloga. Nakon uvoda, sljedeći dio rada nosi naslov „Pojam
nautičkog turizma kao selektivnog oblika turizma“. Treći dio rada određen je naslovom
„Nautički turizam u Hrvatskoj“. Slijedi dio rada naslovljen „Konkurentnost u turizmu“, a zatim
„Empirijsko istraživanje konkurentnosti nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj“. Posljednji dio rada
čine „Zaključna razmatranja“. Less
Abstract (english) Tourists have mostly directed their trips towards the sea, so it is not surprising that maritime
tourism accounts for the majority of all tourist traffic in the world. Nautical tourism represents
one of the most attractive forms of tourism in the Republic of Croatia, with a distinct potential
for further growth. In this dissertation, according to the time criterion (length of stay in ports
and marinas), the users of nautical tourism ports are observed through two categories: classic
... More yachtsmen, who have their vessels and mostly use an annual or multi-month mooring in a
marina or on dry land and stay in ports and marinas for four days or longer, and transit (passing)
yachtsmen, that are in nature non-stationary yachtsmen who visit the coast, while they use
nautical marinas for supplies and personal needs, and stay in ports and marinas for up to three
By skillfully managing the determinants that affect competitiveness, the “art of managing” also
becomes a factor that affects the competitiveness of nautical tourism. To manage the
determinants of competitiveness in the best possible way, it is necessary to have an insight into
all available resources and the characteristics of the target market. Therefore, to be able to talk
about managing the competitiveness of nautical tourism by focusing on transit yachtsmen, it is
necessary to specify the characteristics of this, so far, unexplored profile of guests.
The essential part of this dissertation and the aim of the research is to show a higher degree of
satisfaction with the offer and services of transit yachtsmen compared to classic yachtsmen, and
additionally to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of a new segment that has not
been described in the literature (transit yachtsmen) and to determine the characteristics of their
stay, to better manage and increase the competitiveness of nautical tourism.
The contribution of the dissertation is manifested in the fact that, for the first time in the
Republic of Croatia, research has been conducted that looks at nautical tourism from the
perspective of competitiveness observed through transit yachtsmen and investigates
(theoretically and empirically) concrete components that affect the aforementionedX
competitiveness. The empirical part of the work relies on quantitative research, more precisely
survey research.
The conducted research indicated the existence of a general level of satisfaction with the
elements of the offer and the possibility of improving the quality of the elements of the offer.
It also pointed to a new segment of boaters - transit yachtsmen, whose habits, wishes,
experiences, and desires have not been covered by any research so far.
The results of the research can serve practice because they provide specific characteristics of
transit yachtsmen and their level of satisfaction and perception of the nautical tourism offer,
bearing in mind their specific nautical needs. Likewise, the results can be used in further
research related to specific forms of tourism and in the development of a strategy for improving
the competitive position of Croatian nautical tourism - the dissertation indicated the current
state of nautical tourism in Croatia, its neuralgic points, but also opportunities to improve its
competitive position on the market.
Certain limitations of the research are imposed, such as the relevance of the sample regarding
the representation of categories of respondents (annual mooring users, monthly mooring users,
and daily mooring users). The fact that the research was conducted in ACI marinas represents
a limitation of the research, but the very importance of ACI marinas for the nautical tourism of
Croatia and the for the researched topic indicates the possibility of concluding the population
of transit yachtsmen. Furthermore, the short period of conducting the research (summer season)
and the limited availability of respondents constitute a certain limitation of the research.
The dissertation consists of introductory considerations and four parts, a concluding
consideration, a list of literature, graphs, pictures and tables, and appendices. The first part of
is entitled "The concept of nautical tourism as a selective form of tourism". The second part is
entitled "Nautical tourism in Croatia". The next part of the dissertation is entitled
"Competitiveness in tourism", followed by "Empirical research on the competitiveness of
nautical tourism in Croatia", after which the last part of the dissertation is "Concluding
considerations". Less
nautički turizam
tranzitni nautičari
Keywords (english)
nautical tourism
transit yachtsmen
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:120359
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-09 11:41:15