Abstract | U završnom radu pod nazivom Primjena anketnih istraživanja u Agenciji za znanost i
visoko obrazovanje bavit ćemo se temom primjene anketnih upitnika u Agenciji u svrhu
istraživanja tržišta te stavova, mišljenja i potreba društva povezanih s odgojno-obrazovnim
sustavom i njegovim procesima. Anketa, kao kvantitativna opisna metoda istraživanja značajna
je jer se njome, jednostavnije i financijski prihvatljivije, može prikupiti veliki broj podataka i
istražiti veliki dio populacije (uzorak koji se može poopćiti na cijelu određenu populaciju).
Podatci prikupljeni anketnim istraživanjem postaju informacije kada postanu korisni u
odlučivanju - olakšavaju donošenje pravilnih odluka i upravljanje.
Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje, kao institucija koja samostalno i neovisno
djeluje u procesima odgojno-obrazovnog sustava, provodi istraživanja, vrlo često anketna, s
ciljem prikupljanja informacija o stanju, potrebama i potrebnim izmjenama istih. Agencija
podatke prikuplja od zaposlenika, članova vijeća, članova visokih učilišta, studenata, stručnih
suradnika i drugih dionika koji rade ili imaju važnu ulogu u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu. U
skladu sa svojom misijom, anketna istraživanja Agencije usmjerena su na dva područja/dvije
grupe ispitanika – zaposlenike Agencije i sudionike odgojno-obrazovnog procesa. Prema tome,
podatci relevantni Agenciji su, s jedne strane podatci o kvaliteti provedenih postupaka
reakreditacija i tematskih vrednovanja, stručnog povjerenstva i završnog izvješća, preporuke za
poboljšanje; podatci o djelovanju karijernih centara te kompetencijama i edukacijama karijernih
savjetnika; povratne informacije studenata (o stupnju zadovoljstva studiranjem, o kvaliteti
studije i načinima poučavanja, o aspektima studiranja, o prelasku diplomiranih studenata na
tržište rada i dr.); podatci o internacionalizaciji visokih učilišta i mobilnosti domaćih i stranih
studenata, a s druge, podatci o zadovoljstvu zaposlenika, njihovom stručnom usavršavanju i
međuodnosima u Agenciji.
Nakon provedenih anketa i analize dobivenih podataka, Agencija objavljuje njihovu
sintezu u znanstvenim i stručnim radovima, publikacijama, biltenima i godišnjim izvješćima
(npr. Godišnje izvješće AZVO-a za 2018. i Plan aktivnosti za 2019. godinu, Izvješće tematskog
vrednovanje doktorskih sveučilišnih studija, Rezultati istraživanja o zadovoljstvu studenata
studijskim programima i spremnosti za tržište rada). |
Abstract (english) | The final paper, entitled The Application of Survey-Based Research at the Agency for
Science and Higher Education, deals with the topic of the application of questionnaires at the
Agency for the purpose of researching the market as well as the attitudes, opinions and needs
of the society connected with the system of education and training and its processes. As a
quantitative descriptive research method, the survey is important because it represents a simpler
and financially more acceptable method of collecting large amounts of data and studying a big
part of the population (a sample that can subsequently be generalised to an entire chosen
population). Data collected through survey-based studies becomes information when it starts
being useful in decision-making – when they facilitate the making of appropriate decisions and
the process of management.
As an institution that participates in the processes of the education and training system
in an autonomous and independent manner, the Agency for Science and Higher Education
conducts studies, often survey-based, with the aim of collecting information on the condition,
needs, and the necessary changes of that system. The Agency collects information from its
employees, committee members, members of higher education institutions, students, associates
and other stakeholders with important roles in the education and training system. In accordance
with its mission, the Agency's survey-based studies focus on two areas/groups of respondents
– Agency employees and participants in the system of education and training. Accordingly, the
data that is relevant to the Agency is, on one hand, information about the quality of conducted
procedures of reaccreditation and thematic evaluation, expert panels and final reports, and
recommendations for improvement; information on the work of career centres, and the
competencies and trainings of career advisers; student feedback (on the level of satisfaction
with their studies, the quality of study programmes and teaching methods, different aspects of
study, and graduate students' transition to the labour market, etc.); information on the
internationalisation of higher education institutions and the mobility of domestic and foreign
students, and on the other hand, information on the satisfaction of Agency employees, their
professional development and interpersonal relations at the Agency.
Following the conducted surveys and the analyses of results, the Agency publishes their
syntheses in scientific and professional papers, publications, newsletters and annual reports
(e.g. ASHE Annual Report for 2018 and the 2019 Activity Plan, Report on the Thematic Evaluation
of Doctoral University Studies, Results of the Survey on Students' Satisfaction with
Study Programmes and Readiness for the Labour Market). |