Abstract | Stupanj konkurentnosti neke zemlje u odnosu na ostale vrlo je važan segment u određivanju
uspješnosti. Ekonomija svake zemlje neminovno ovisi o globalizaciji te se sukladno tome,
zemlje nastoje putem globalizacije što više uključiti u međunarodnu podjelu rada i razmjenu
usluga i dobara. Globalizacija je proces koji je omogućio lakšu i bržu trgovinu roba i usluga te
smanjenje carina što u konačnici rezultira bržom trgovinskom razmjenom i bržim gospodarskim
rastom pojedine zemlje. Globalizacija nije vezana samo uz povezivanje zemalja na
gospodarskoj razini. Ona zalazi u sve sfere koje utječu na sigurnost i stabilnost u svijetu:
politiku, kulturu i ekologiju. U procesu globalizacije vrlo je važno prihvaćati promjene i
trendove na svjetskom tržištu kako bi kompanije i države bile što konkurentnije.
Promatrajući hrvatsko gospodarstvo, točnije, odnose Hrvatske s inozemstvom, dolazimo do
zaključka da je ulazak Hrvatske u Europsku uniju rezultirao većom konkurentnošću zemlje i
pristup drugim tržištima. S obzirom na to da globalizacija potiče sve veću međunarodnu
razmjenu, slobodan protok kapitala i rada te međuovisnost svjetskih zemalja, može se zaključiti
da iz nje proizlaze i ekonomske integracije.
Temeljni cilj europskih integracija je stvaranje jedinstvenog tržišta koje će povećati
konkurenciju što će dovesti do sniženja cijena te samim time i do povećanja životnog standarda
stanovnika Europske unije. Prekretnica u složenom procesu europskih integracija dogodila se
nakon stvaranja Europske ekonomske zajednice te se smatra jednim od najvažnijih događaja u
globalnoj ekonomiji današnjice. Jedinstveno tržište Europske unije počiva na četiri tržišne
slobode: slobodno kretanje ljudi, robe, usluga i kapitala. Stanovnici Europske unije u
svakodnevnom su doticaju s navedenim slobodama i osjećaju njihove prednosti. Ulazak
Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 2013. godine, omogućio je hrvatskom gospodarstvu slobodan
pristup europskom tržištu, konkurentnije uvjete za poduzetnike te jednaka pravila za strane
investitore što je pozitivno utjecalo na razvoj hrvatskog gospodarstva, povećanje kupovni moći
građana te viši životni standard. |
Abstract (english) | The degree of competitiveness of a country in relation to others is a very important segment in
determining success. The economy of every country inevitably depends on globalization, and
accordingly, through globalization, countries try to get involved as much as possible in the
international division of labor and the exchange of services and goods. Globalization is a
process that has enabled easier and faster trade of goods and services, as well as the reduction
of custom duties, which ultimately leads to faster trade and economic growth of each country
individually. Globalization does not only refer to the connection of countries on an economic
level. It affects all areas that influence security and stability in the world: Politics, culture and
ecology. In the process of globalization, it is very important to accept changes and trends in the
world market so that companies and countries can be as competitive as possible. Observing the
Croatian economy, more precisely, Croatia's relations with foreign countries, we come to the
conclusion that Croatia's entry into the European Union resulted in greater competitiveness of
the country and access to other markets.
Considering that globalization promotes international exchange, free flow of capital and labor
and interdependence of the countries of the world, we can conclude that economic integration
is also a consequence of it. The basic goal of European integration is the creation of a single
market that increases competition, which leads to lower prices and, consequently, to an increase
in the standard of living of the inhabitants of the European Union. The turning point in the
complex process of European integration occurred after the creation of the European Economic
Community and is now considered one of the most important events in the world economy. The
single market of the European Union rests on four market freedoms: the free movement of
people, services, goods and capital. The inhabitants of the European Union come into contact
with the above mentioned freedoms on a daily basis and feel their benefits. Croatia's entry to
the European Union in 2013 provided the Croatian economy with free access to the European
market, more competitive conditions for entrepreneurs and equal rules for foreign investors,
which had a positive impact on the development of the Croatian economy, increased the
purchasing power of citizens and raised the standard of living. |