Abstract | Industrija luksuznih proizvoda uključuje brojne i raznolike kategorije proizvoda poput
dizajnerske odjeće, vina, šampanjaca i žestokih alkoholnih pića, luksuznog nakita, satova i
dodataka, luksuznih elektroničkih naprava, luksuzne dekorativne kozmetike i osobnih
automobila i dr. U radu je analiziran dio industrije vezan za tekstilnu odjeću, torbe, parfeme,
nakit i slično. Marketing za luksuzne proizvode zahtijeva drugačiji pristup od marketinga
„standardnih“ proizvoda. Razlog dakako leži u tome da kupci kupuju luksuz za različite svrhe.
Neki od njih to rade iz vlastitog interesa. Dok drugi to rade kako bi pokazali status u društvu.
Takav splet motiva može podijeliti potrošače na različite segmente. Na temelju tih saznanja
kreiraju se i različite marketing strategije, cilja se na određenu skupinu prema kojoj se cijene i
promocija formiraju. Svaka osoba percipira luksuzni proizvod na svoj način, a na njihovu
percepciju mogu utjecati i marketinški stručnjaci pomoću metoda neuromarketinga koji je
opisan u radu. Također, kako bi se dobio uvid u percepciju potrošača o luksuznim proizvodima,
rad sadržava i primarno istraživanje, odnosno online anonimni upitnik koji je ispunjen od strane
206 ispitanika koji su podijeljeni na Z generaciju i milenijalce. Na taj način se analizira
percepcija luksuznih proizvoda, tendencija kupovine luksuznih proizvoda i koje značajke utječu
na njihovu kupovinu i na kraju, na temelju tih saznanja formiraju različite marketing strategije. |
Abstract (english) | The industry of luxury products includes numerous and diverse product categories such as
designer clothing, wine, champagne and spirits, luxury jewelry, watches and accessories, luxury
electronic devices, luxury decorative cosmetics, and passenger cars, etc. This paper analyzes
the part of the industry related to clothes, purses, perfumes, jewelry and the like. Marketing
luxury products requires a different approach than marketing "standard" products. The reason
for it, of course, lies in the fact that customers buy luxuries for different purposes. Some of
them do it out of their own interest, while others do it to show off their social status. Therefore,
those motives divide consumers into different categories. Based on this knowledge, different
marketing strategies are created that target a specific group with prices and promotions
according to their wants. Each person perceives luxury products in their own way, and that
perception can be influenced by marketing experts using the neuromarketing methods described
in the paper. Also, in order to gain a better insight into the consumer's perception of luxury
products, the paper also contains a research, namely an online anonymous questionnaire that
was filled out by 206 respondents. who were divided into Generation Z and Millennials. The
research analyses how they perceive luxury products, their different tendencies towards buying
luxury products, which features influence their purchase and finally, based on this knowledge,
how different marketing strategies are formed. |