Abstract | Rad analizira što je to franšiza, kada se prvi puta pojavila, pojedinosti Ugovora o franšizi te
pokretanje poslovnog pothvata ulaskom na tržište kao poduzetnik primatelj franšize. Pobliže je
također objašnjen razvoj franšize tijekom godina, kada se ona pojavila u Hrvatskoj i kako je
danas razvijena u različitim dijelovima svijeta. Fokus je na općenitim prednostima i
nedostacima franšiznog poslovanja, te prednostima i nedostacima za primatelja franšize.
Analizirano je zašto bi poduzetnik primatelj franšize trebao odabrati franšizni način poslovanja
ispred nekog drugog. Jednako tako, analizirani su čimbenici važni za kupovinu franšize poput:
cijene, konkurencije, razvijenosti brand-a i uvjeta poslovanja.
Kako je fokus ovog diplomskog rada na primatelja franšize, također su analizirane neki od
najpoznatijih svjetskih, ali i hrvatskih franšiznih sustava. Fokus same analize je na tome kada
su se pojavili na tržištu, kako danas posluju, te uvjeti koje potencijalni primatelji trebaju
zadovoljiti za samu kupovinu analiziranih franšiza.
Za sam kraj rada kao istraživački dio, obrađena je jedna od franšiza, točnije švedska franšiza
pod imenom Husse. Detaljno je analizirano poslovanje poduzeća, kada je započelo s radom,
koje proizvode i usluge nudi i koji su mu ciljevi. Također su analizirane osobne prednosti i
nedostaci mene kao autorice ovog diplomskog rada, te zašto bih se ja odlučila za kupovinu baš
te franšize. |
Abstract (english) | The paper analyzes what a franchise was when it first appeared, details of the Franchise
Agreement, and how to start a business venture by entering the market as a franchisee
entrepreneur. The development of the franchise over the years, when it appeared in Croatia, and
how it has been developed today in different parts of the world, is also explained in more detail.
The focus is on the general advantages and disadvantages of franchising, and the advantages
and disadvantages for the franchisee. It was analyzed why a franchisee entrepreneur should
choose a franchise way of doing business over someone else. Equally, factors important for
buying a franchise were analyzed, such as price, competition, brand development, and business
As the focus of this thesis is on the franchisee, some of the world's most famous franchise
systems, as well as Croatian ones, are also analyzed. The focus of the analysis itself is on when
they appeared on the market, how they operate today and the conditions that potential recipients
need to meet to purchase the analyzed franchises.
At the very end of the work as a research part, one of the franchises, specifically the Swedish
franchise named Husse, was processed. The business of the company was analyzed in detail,
including when it started working, what products and services it offers, and what its goals are.
The personal advantages and disadvantages as the author of this diploma thesis were also
analyzed, as to why I would decide to buy that franchise. |