Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu objašnjeni su pojmovi vezani uz marketing planiranje i marketing
plan. Proces marketing planiranja prikazan je na stvarnom primjeru kroz izradu marketing plana
za poslovni subjekt Olival. Cilj rada bio je istaknuti i dokazati važnost izrade marketing plana
za svaki poslovni subjekt te prikazivanje tog procesa kroz izradu marketing plana za poslovni
subjekt Olival. U sklopu sastavljanja marketing plana za Olival postavljena su dva marketing
cilja. Ciljevi su postavljeni kao odgovor na rezultate istraživanja koje je provedeno u sklopu
pisanja ovog rada. Prvi cilj vezan je uz razvoj i lansiranje novog proizvoda dok je drugi cilj
vezan uz povećanje svijesti o brend (brand awareness) kroz društvene mreže. Plan za
ostvarivanje postavljenih ciljeva, razrađen je kroz kreiranje marketing strategije koristeći
strategiju marketing miksa. Kroz strategiju proizvoda, detaljno je razrađen prijedlog novog
proizvoda, umirujućeg tonika za lice čiji bi ključni sastojci bili zob, pantenol i glicerin. Također
je razrađena strategija cijene kojom je predložena cijena za novi proizvod te strategija
distribucije u kojoj je predloženo da novi proizvod prvo bude dostupan za kupnju samo na
Olivalovoj službenoj web-stranici, a tjedan dana kasnije i kod posrednika. Kao dio strategije
promocije, dani su prijedlozi za promociju novog proizvoda kroz društvene mreže, email
marketing te suradnju s portalom ženski recenziRAJ. Osim za prvi cilj, dani su prijedlozi
strategije promocije i za drugi cilj, odnosno povećanje svijesti o brendu kroz društvene mreže.
Kroz različite fotografije i primjere objava, dani su prijedlozi za sadržaj kakav poslovni subjekt
Olival može objavljivati na svojim profilima. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, the concepts related to marketing planning and the marketing plan are explained.
The marketing planning process is demonstrated by creating a marketing plan for the business
entity Olival. The objective of the thesis is to highlight and prove the importance of developing
a marketing plan for every business entity and to illustrate this process through the creation of
a marketing plan for a business entity. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and
practical. The theoretical part elaborates and explains the main concepts related to marketing
planning. In the second, practical part, the process of creating a marketing plan is presented
using the example of the business entity Olival. As part of creating the marketing plan for
Olival, two marketing goals were set. These goals were set in response to the results of market
research conducted during the writing of this thesis. The first goal is related to the development
and launch of a new product, while the second goal is related to increasing brand awareness
through social media. The plan for achieving these goals is detailed through the creation of a
marketing strategy using the marketing mix strategy. Through the product strategy, a detailed
proposal for a new product, a soothing facial toner with key ingredients, oats, panthenol, and
glycerin, was elaborated. Also, the pricing strategy was developed, proposing a price for the
new product, the distribution strategy suggested for the new product to initially be available for
purchase only on Olival's official website, and a week later through intermediaries. As part of
the promotion strategy, suggestions were made for promoting the new product through social
media, email marketing, and collaboration with the portal Ženski recenziRAJ. In addition to the
first goal, promotion strategy suggestions were, also, provided for the second goal, i.e.,
increasing brand awareness through social media. Through various photos and post examples,
suggestions were made for content that the business entity Olival can post on its profiles. |