Abstract | Kroz ovaj završni rad obrađuje se tematika administrativno-teritorijalnog ustrojstva lokalnih
jedinica u Republici Hrvatskoj, definicija i poslovi grada, financiranje lokalnih jedinica i
proračunski suficit i deficit. Osim općeg dijela, koje rad sadrži, detaljnije je objašnjen Šibenik
kao lokalna jedinica, njegova strateška pozicija, broj stanovnika i važniji EU projekti i
programi, koji su od kulturne i ekonomske važnosti za grad i naravno regiju u kojoj se nalazi.
Prema popisu stanovništva iz 2011. godine, grad ima 46.332 stanovnika, dok sam Šibenik
broji 34.302 stanovnika. Šibenik je danas administrativno-politički, gospodarski i društvenokulturni
centar Šibensko- kninske županije. Osim dijela o administrativno-teritorijalnom
ustrojstvu lokalnih jedinica u Republici Hrvatskoj, rad se sastoji i od objašnjenja proračuna,
analize prihoda i rashoda, te računa financiranja za grad Šibenik. Prije same analize
proračuna, detaljno su objašnjeno razine proračuna, njegove glavne funkcije, te sama
definicija proračuna. Sam proračun grada za 2019. godinu objašnjen je temeljito, sve to
potkrijepljeno je analizom prihoda i primitaka, analizom rashoda i izdataka, te analizom
računa financiranja. Cilj završnog rada je prikazati važnost donošenja proračuna, njegove
glavne aktere i prikazati na koji način, kako i koliko uspješno lokalna jedinica provodi i
izvršava funkciju, te koristi i raspoređuje prikupljena sredstva. Cilj svakog proračuna je
osigurati ekonomsku financijsku stabilnost. |
Abstract (english) | This final work deals with the subject of administrative-territorial organization of local units
in the Republic of Croatia, definition and operations of the city, financing of local units and
budget surplus and deficit. Besides the general part, which the paper contains, Šibenik is
explained in more detail as a local unit, its strategic position, the number of inhabitants and
more important EU projects and programs, which are of cultural and economic importance for
the city and of course the region in which it is located. According to the 2011 census, the city
has 46,332 inhabitants, while Šibenik alone has 34,302 inhabitants. Šibenik is today an
administrative-political, economic and social-cultural center of Šibenik-Knin County. Apart
from the section on administrative-territorial organization of local units in the Republic of
Croatia, the paper also consists of budget explanations, analysis of revenues and expenditures,
and financing accounts for the city of Šibenik. Before the budget analysis itself, the budget
levels, its main functions and the budget definition are explained in detail. The city budget for
2019 is explained in a thorough manner, all this is supported by an analysis of revenues and
income, an analysis of expenditures and expenses, and an analysis of the financing accounts.
The aim of the final paper is to show the importance of budget making, its main actors and to
show in which way, how and how successfully the local unit implements and performs the
function, and to utilize and distribute the collected funds. The objective of each budget is to
ensure economic financial stability. |