Abstract | U radu su definirana glavna obilježja i značaj poljoprivrede, stanje i uspješnost poljoprivredne
proizvodnje u Republici Hrvatskoj koja ima vrlo povoljne prirodne uvjete i geografska područja
za ostvarivanje što kvalitetnije poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Opisuje se tijek razvoja
poljoprivrede kroz povijest te uvođenjem novih tehnika i tehnologija razvijaju se nova sredstva
obradbe zemljišta i gnojidbe. Potrebno je riješiti pojedine probleme s kojima se susreću ruralni
prostori, a to su uglavnom migracije stanovništva i zastupljenost prostora sa stanovnicima
starije dobi. Objašnjenja je i važnost ratarske proizvodnje u RH koja je ujedno jedna od
najzastupljenijih grana, a plodna zemljišta i klimatski uvjeti pogoduju uspješnoj proizvodnji
ratarskih kultura poput kukuruza, pšenice, suncokreta, soje, uljane repice i šećerne repe.
Opstanak obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava od velike je važnosti, a za postizanje što
boljeg efekta unutar poljoprivrede potrebno je motivirati što veći broj mladih ljudi na bavljenje
poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom. Svaka zemlja mora voditi računa o održavanju stabilnog
gospodarskog rasta koji im omogućava bolji životni standard, a pojedinim aktivnostima kao što
su povećanje izvoza i jačanje I&R dolazi do poboljšane konkurentnosti unutar zemalja. Kroz
rad analizirano je stanje BDP-a u europodručju u 2020. godini koja je obilježena godinom
pandemije COVID-19. Zbog raznovrsnih ograničenja u protocima robe, usluga i ljudi došlo je
do snažnog utjecaja na gospodarsku aktivnost. Stoga, mnoge su zemlje unatoč nepovoljnoj
situaciji nastojale spriječiti i ublažiti negativi utjecaj na gospodarske aktivnosti. |
Abstract (english) | The paper defines the main features and importance of agriculture, the state and success of
agricultural production in the Republic of Croatia, which has very favorable natural conditions
and geographical areas for achieving the highest quality agricultural production. The course of
agricultural development throughout history is described, and with the introduction of new
techniques and technologies, new means of land cultivation and fertilization are developed. It
is necessary to solve certain problems faced by rural areas, which are mainly population
migrations and the representation of areas with elderly residents. The importance of agricultural
production in the Republic of Croatia is also explained, which is also one of the most
represented branches, and the fertile lands and climatic conditions favor the successful
production of agricultural crops such as corn, wheat, sunflower, soy, rapeseed and sugar beet.
The survival of family farms is of great importance, and in order to achieve the best possible
effect within agriculture, it is necessary to motivate as many young people as possible to engage
in agricultural production. Each country must take care of maintaining stable economic growth
that enables them to have a better standard of living, and certain activities such as increasing
exports and strengthening R&D lead to improved competitiveness within countries. The paper
analyzed the state of GDP in the euro area in 2020, which was marked by the year of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Due to various restrictions in the flow of goods, services and people,
there was a strong impact on economic activity. Therefore, despite the unfavorable situation,
many countries tried to prevent and mitigate the negative impact on economic activities. |