Abstract | Poduzetništvo žena noviji je oblik poduzetništva, a žene poduzetnice i dalje se suočavaju s
preprekama koje se javljaju tijekom pokretanja njihovih pothvata. U te prepreke ubrajaju se
iskrivljena percepcija o poslovnim sposobnostima i vrijednosti žena, otežan pristup
resursima, obrazovanje, usklađivanje privatnog i poslovnog života, diskriminacija banaka,
otežano umrežavanje, nedostatak potpore institucija, političko-regulativni okvir vezan za
ravnopravnost spolova itd. Nasreću, u suvremenom dobu žene se sve češće odlučuju na
samozapošljavanje te u poslovanju ostaju duže vremena, ali broj žena poduzetnica još uvijek
je značajno manji u odnosu na muškarce. Razvoj poduzetništva važan je za osnaživanje i
stabiliziranje ekonomije, a razlozi tome su stvaranje inovacija i novih radnih mjesta.
Pokrenuti su razni programi poticanja žena poduzetnica u kojima su sudjelovale organizacije
poput Centra za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje (CESI), Hrvatske banke za obnovu i
razvitak (HBOR), Europske banke za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD), Ministarstva gospodarstva,
rada i poduzetništva i dr. Uspostavljanje dodatne potpore ženama poduzetnicama moglo bi se
postići suradnjom sveučilišta i centara za poduzetništvo, Hrvatske obrtničke komore,
Hrvatske gospodarske udruge, Hrvatske udruge poslodavaca i drugih asocijacija. Žene i
muškarci u poduzetništvu razlikuju se u profesionalnom iskustvu, poslovnim vještinama i
motivaciji. Prednosti žena su to što su one realistične, praktične, strpljive, kreativne,
tolerantne, fleksibilne, oprezne, otvorene prema timskom radu, stalo im je do zaposlenika,
njihovih potreba, želja, obrazovanja i razvoja njihovih sposobnosti, žene posjeduju visoku
razinu emocionalne inteligencije, znaju se nositi s okruženjem, ponašaju se vrlo etično itd. U
empirijskom dijelu rada putem intervjua su dobivene informacije o iskustvu žene
poduzetnice. Ona govori o razvoju svojih pothvata te o preprekama s kojima se suočavala. |
Abstract (english) | Female entrepreneurship is a more recent type of entrepreneurship, and women entrepreneurs
still face obstacles which occur during the start of their ventures. One of those obstacles is the
wrong perception of women business skills and the qualities women can provide in business,
less available resources, education, managing and dividing their personal and professional
life, banks discrimination, harder networking possibilities, lack of support from institutions,
political regulatory framework related to gender equality etc. Fortunately, in this modern age
women self employ more frequently, and they stay in the business for longer period of time,
but the amount of female entrepreneurs compared to men in the same field is still quite small.
The development and growth of entrepreneurship is of great value for stabilizing the
economy and making it more valuable, and the reasons for that are new inovations and many
new workplaces for new employes. Many various programs have been started to motivate
female entrepreneurs by organisations like Center for Education, Counselling and Research
(CESI), Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR), European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Ministry of economy, work and entrepreneurship
etc. Establishing additional support for women in entrepreneurship could be reached by
cooperation with the University of entrepreneurship, the Croatian chamber of trades and
crafts, the Croatian chamber of commerce, the Croatian Employers' Association and other
associations. Men and women in entrepreneurship differentiate in professional experience,
business skills and motivation. The advantage women have is the fact they are more realistic,
practical, patient, creative, tolerant, flexible, careful, more open for teamwork, they care more
about the employees and their needs and wishes for education and skill improvement, they
also posses high emotional intelligence, women are able to cope with their surrounding, they
act very ethical etc. The information about the experience of the woman entrepreneur were
gathered in the empiric part, through an interview. She speaks about the development of her
ventures and the obstacles she had faced. |