Title Marketinška etika u farmaceutskoj indrustriji
Author Jasna Redlih
Mentor Mirna Leko Šimić (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Leko Šimić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Julia Perić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Štimac (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of Marketing) Osijek
Defense date and country 2016-09-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Globalizacijski trendovi učinili su farmaceutsko tržište izrazito konkurentnim. Lijekovi su, kao roba koja se nudi u razmjeni na tržištu, postali supstitucijskim dobrom: na jednog pacijenta, jednu dijagnozu, jedan recept postoji izbor više proizvoda iste generičke formule različitog naziva, proizvođača i cijene. Grubo rečeno: na svjetskom tržištu liječnicima i pacijentima na raspolaganju je preko 50.000 lijekova i ljekovitih pripravaka koje proizvode i prodaju preko 160 farmaceutskih tvrtki, a financijska težina tržišta iznosi oko 900 milijardi US$. Da bi ostali konkurentni na tržištu, proizvođači farmaceutskih proizvoda moraju ekonomski razmišljati – kako razviti i zadržati konkurentsku prednost? Konkurencija na tržištu lijekova primorala je farmaceutske tvrtke na udruživanje u velike multinacionalne kompanije, fleksibilnost i brzu reakciju prema turbulentnim promjenama okruženja. Nužno je pronaći učinkoviti model poslovanja kako bi opstali na tržištu. Zbog toga je marketing
koncepcija postala ključna za poslovanje farmaceutske industrije kako bi istražili čimbenike tržišta, pronašli ciljne tržišne niše, prema čijim se potrebama i zahtjevima razvija novi proizvod, a koji može dovoljno dugo biti pod patentnom zaštitom na tržištu. Međutim, kako godinama rastu prihodi svjetskog farmaceutskog tržišta, razmjerno proporcionalno rastu i skandali vezani uz etičnost ponašanja farmaceutske industrije na tržištu lijekova. Tržište lijekova regulirano je strogim zakonima struke i tržišta, a mnoge su tvrtke u utrci za profitom pokušale zaobići pravila i zakone tržišta. Kako bi izbjegli zamke brze komercijalizacije
inovacija i brze zarade, mnoge tvrtke, među njima i farmaceutske, u stvaranju svoje konkurentske prednosti svoje poslovanje temelje na društvenom marketingu i strogim etičkim načelima. Sve više se u javnosti otvaraju pitanja etičkog odlučivanja i ponašanja farmaceutske industrije u odnosu na dionike u okruženju: u kojoj mjeri je poslovna etika involvirana u marketing odluke farmaceutskih proizvođača, da li je njihova poslovna praksa etična, legalna i pravedna? Kao odgovor nepovjerenju i skepticima u društvu, farmaceutski proizvođači ističu društveno odgovorno poslovanje kao poslovni imperativ industrije. Svako poslovno djelovanje u sebi integrira brigu za očuvanjem okoliša, funkcioniranje i prosperitet zajednice te podizanje razine životnog standarda stanovništva.
Abstract (english) Globalisation trends have made pharmaceutical market highly competitive. As the goods being offered in the exchange market, drugs have become substitution goods: there is a choice of more products with the same generic formula but of different name, manufacturer and price that can be offered to only one patient, for only one diagnosis, for only one prescription. To be clear: inthe world market there is an offer of more than 50.000 drugs and medical product which could be offered to doctors and patients,which are produced and sold by more than 160 pharmaceutical companies. Financial value of the market is around 900 billion US$. In order to stay competitive in the market, manufacturers of pharmaceutical products must think economicaly- how to develop and maintain a competitive advantage? The competition on the drugs market has forced pharmaceutical companies to associate in large multinational
companies, to be flexibile andquickenough to respond to the turbulent changes of the market environment. It is necessary to find an effective business model how to survive in the market. Therefore, the marketing concept has become the key to the business of the pharmaceutical industry in order to efficiently explore marketing environment, find the target market niches, to explore consumer's needs and requirements as thefoundation for developing a new product,
which must be under the patent protection long enough. However, as the revenues of the world pharmaceutical market grow, relatively proportional increases the number of scandals related to the ethical behavior of the pharmaceutical industry in the drugs market. Drugs market is regulated by the strict professional and market laws and many companies that compete for profit tried to circumvent the rules and laws of the market. As the reason to avoid the pitfalls of rapid commercialization of innovation and quick profit, many companies, includingpharmaceutical, create its competitive advantages based on social marketing and strict ethical principles. Very often the public raises questions of the ethical decision-making and behavior of the pharmaceutical industry in relation to the stakeholders in their environment: to which level business ethics is involved in marketing decisions of pharmaceutical manufacturers, are their business practices ethical, legal and righteous? In response to mistrust and all the skeptics in society, pharmaceutical manufacturers emphasize corporate social responsibility as the business imperative industry. Every business activity integrates care for the preservation of the environment, functioning and prosperity of the community and improvement of living standard of the population.
farmaceutsko tržište
farmaceutske tvrtke
društveno odgovorno poslovanje
Keywords (english)
pharmaceutical market
pharmaceutical companies
corporate social responsibility
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:015734
Study programme Title: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-02 13:07:53