Sažetak | Marketing je oduvijek važna disciplina za sva poduzeća, no u današnje vrijeme zasićenosti marketinškim porukama i stalnog ponavljanja jednoga te istoga ne čudi što dolazi do novih oblika i novih ideja marketinga. U prijašnje vrijeme ljudi su vjerovali svemu što vide na televiziji ili čuju na radiju jer su mislili da su sve te informacije točne, također su vjerovali reklamama i reklamnim spotovima o proizvodima i uslugama. Danas više nije tako, ljudi su skeptični, previše puta izigrani i više ne vjeruju onome što se priča o nekom proizvodu ili usluzi već samo dokazima. Stoga je došlo vrijeme da se promjene i načini marketinga te da se on više približi potrebama kupaca. Mediji će uvijek biti prisutni u marketingu, no ono čemu se suvremeni marketing polako okreće je upravo izvanmedijski marketing, direktni kontakt sa potrošačima, stvaranje odnosa i lojalnosti između poduzeća i kupca kao i stvaranje dojma da je upravo taj jedan kupac važan za poduzeće i da će se poduzeće brinuti za njega.
Gerila marketing je marketing koji je u današnje vrijeme veoma važan jer on razlikuje inovativna poduzeća od onih zastarjelih, on kupcima govori koliko je stalo poduzeću da opstane na tržištu te koliki su trud spremni uložiti kako bi kupcima predstavili nešto novo, nešto što će ih zadiviti. S obzirom da su mediji prebukirani sa reklamama skoro svi kada na televizoru počne reklama prebacuju na drugi program. Kada dobiju mail odmah ga obrišu bez da ga pogledaju jer im je više dosta stalnog spominjanja takvih vrsta oglašavanja. Upravo zbog toga su se marketing stručnjaci okrenuli ne medijskom marketingu. On se više usredotočuje na potrebe kupca i što on zapravo želi od proizvoda. Ovaj način marketinga kupac ne može izbjeći, a i zašto bi ukoliko je dovoljno zanimljiv da ga zadrži. Ovakvim pristupom kupac osjeća da je bitan, da se obraćate njemu, a ne cjelokupnoj populaciji. Što je ideja neobičnija i zanimljivija to su i kupci više zainteresirani za proizvod i poduzeće. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Advertising has always been an important discipline for all companies, but in today’s time of saturation with advertising messages and the constant repetition of one and the same, it’s not a wonder that there are always new styles and new ideas in advertising. In previous times people believed everything they saw on television or heard on the radio because they thought this information are true, and they also believed commercials and commercial videos about products and services. Today it’s not like that anymore, people are skeptical, they’ve been deceived too many times, and they no longer believe what is being told about a product or service, but only in evidence. That’s why it’s time to change the means of advertising and to bring it closer to the needs of the customers. The media will always be a part of advertising, but what contemporary advertising is slowly turning to is non-media advertising, that is the direct contact with customers, creating relationships and loyalty between the company and the customer, as well as the illusion of the customer’s importance to the company and that the company will care for the customer.
Guerilla marketing is the kind of advertising which is very important today because it differentiates innovative from outdated companies, it tells customers how much the company cares to survive on the market and how much trouble they’re willing to go to, so as to present something new, something amazing. Since the media is teeming with ads, almost everyone changes the channel on their TV when an ad comes on. When people receive an e-mail, they delete it without looking at it because they are fed up with that kind of advertising. That is exactly why advertising experts have turned to non-media advertising. It is focused more on the needs of the customer and what he or she wants from the product. A customer cannot avoid this type of advertising, and why would he if it’s good enough to keep him interested. This approach makes the customer feel important, as if you’re talking directly to him, and not to the general populace. The more unusual and interesting the idea is, the more customers are interested in the product and the company. |