Sažetak | Organizacija se smatra jako važnim aspektom poduzeća. Ovim putem vlasnik poduzeća određuje
tko će uzeti određeni posao, i na kakav način odraditi kako bi efikasnost organizacije bila vrhunska
i lagana za pratiti. On mora odrediti strategije, i kako se one postižu, te kojim se alatima najlakše
dolazi do njih.
U ovom se radu istražuje i objašnjava korist softwarea na rad organizacije, i kako software pomaže
da se rad organizacije postigne što brže i jednostavnije. Tim putem efikasnost poduzeća je vrhunska
i put do željenog cilja biti će puno jednostavniji. Software je gotovo zamijenio svaku ljudsku
aktivnost, i ispravio ljudsku pogrešku koja se događaja pri obavljanju posla.
Nakon uvoda slijedi osnovni pojam, teorije, povijest, obilježja i objašnjenje formalne i neformalne
organizacijske strukture, što služi kao temelj razumijevanja upravo zašto software ima toliku veliku
važnost u radu organizacije. Zatim se objašnjava razvoj softwarea i faze koje je bitno proći, te
provjera kvalitete softwarea, koja je jako bitna prije izlaska na tržište, te korištenja tog softwarea u
samom radu. Nakon izlaska, uobičajeno zna doći i do nekih negativnih strana njegova korištenja,
koje se po pravilu trebaju ispraviti u budućnosti.
Kao praktični dio, navedeni su primjeri nekih od najpoznatijih softwareskih programa i aplikacija,
kojim se koriste brojne organizacije diljem svijeta. Tu su uzeti primjeri iz određenih dijelova rada
organizacije kao što su računanje, komunikacija, skladištenje itd. koji omogućuju velikim
uštedama na vremenu, novcu, i omogućuju da svakodnevni rad bude što manje kompliciran. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Organization is considered a very important aspect of the enterprise. This way, the business owner
decides, who will take a certain job, and do it in a way that the organization’s efficiency would be
top-notch, and easy to follow. He has to determine the strategies, and how they will be done, and
which tools will make their access easier.
This paper explores and explains the benefits of software to the work of an organization, and how
software helps to achieve the work of an organization as quickly and easily as possible. By doing
this, the efficiency of an enterprise is superb, and the way to a desired goal will be much simpler.
Software has almost replaced every human activity, and corrected the human error that happens
while doing business.
After the introduction, there is the basic meaning, theories, history, features and explanations of
formal and informal organizational structure, which is used as a basis to understand exactly why
software has so much importance in the work of an organization. Then there is the explanation of
development of software and phases that are essential to go through, and the quality control of the
software, which is very important before it is released to the market, and the use of that software
in the work itself. After the release, usually there are some negative aspects of its use, which should
normally be repaired in the future.
As the practical part, there are listed examples some of the most popular software programs and
applications, that are used by a number of organizations around the world. There are examples
from certain parts of the organizations work such as computing, communication, keeping track of
the storage etc. that allow big savings on time, money, and make everyday work with as little
complications as possible. |