Sažetak | Od davne prošlosti, ljudi su teškim radom proizvodili različita poljoprivredna dobra i uzgajali stoku te tako uspješno prehranjivali svoje obitelji, a ukoliko je bilo viška dobara koje nisu mogli iskoristiti, iste su mijenjali za druge proizvode i usluge koji oni nisu sami mogli proizvesti. To su bili prvi početci trampe i trgovine. Protekom vremena mijenjaju se načini, opseg i tehnologije proizvodnje dobara, a njihovo plasiranje na tržište postaje sve lakše putem digitalnih medija. U današnje vrijeme, rijetkost je da poduzeće nema svoje internetsko sjedište i/ili profil na društvenim mrežama putem kojih se promovira i prodaje svoje proizvode/usluge jer se ljudi sve više koriste elektroničkom trgovinom koja omogućuje kupovinu iz udobnosti vlastitog doma. U posljednjem desetljeću bilježimo izniman porast kupovine putem interneta pa stoga ne čudi što poduzeća sve više ulažu u prodaju putem interneta. Digitalizacijom prodaje vlastitih proizvoda i usluga poduzeća smanjuju svoje troškove i povećavaju prihod, a doseg poslovanja mogu lako proširiti i na susjedne države. Kako bi prodaja putem interneta bila moguća, poduzeća moraju imati optimizirane internetske trgovine koje će u svakom trenutku biti dostupne i ažurirane. Postoje različite platforme putem kojih se izrađuju internetske trgovine, a među najpopularnije se ubrajaju Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, Wix i mnoge druge. Različite platforme nude i različite mogućnosti funkcionalnosti, dizajna i optimizacije. Cilj ovog rada jest objasniti povijest razvoja tradicionalne i e-trgovine, njezine prednosti i nedostatke, pojam i pojavne oblike e-trgovine, platforme putem kojih djeluje e-trgovina i način funkcioniranja istih te se uspoređuju prednosti i nedostaci tradicionalne i e-trgovine. Također, u istraživačkom dijelu ispitane su navike i obrasci ponašanja potrošača e-trgovine koji će pokazati kako je većina ljudi upoznata s elektroničkom trgovinom, da je učestalost kupovine putem elektroničke trgovine nekoliko puta mjesečno i to najčešće obuća, odjeća, kozmetika i proizvodi vezani za zdravlje te sportska oprema, a da se kupovina putem interneta najčešće obavlja putem mobitela i računala. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Since ancient times, people have worked hard to produce various agricultural goods and raise livestock, thus successfully feeding their families, and if there were surplus goods that they could not use, they exchanged them for other products and services that they could not produce themselves. These were the first beginnings of barter and trade. Over time, the ways, scope and technologies of goods production change, and their marketing becomes easier through digital media. Nowadays, it is rare that a company does not have its own internet headquarters and or profile on social networks through which it promotes and sells its products/services because people are increasingly using e-commerce that allows shopping from the comfort of their own home. In the last decade, we have seen an extraordinary increase in online shopping, so it is not surprising that companies are increasingly investing in online sales. By digitizing sales of their own products and services, companies reduce their costs and increase revenue, and the scope of business can easily be extended to neighboring countries. In order for online sales to be possible, businesses need to have optimized online stores that will be available and updated at all times. There are various platforms through which online stores are created, and among the most popular are Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, Wix and many others. Different platforms also offer different functionality, design and optimization options. The aim of this paper is to explain the history of traditional and e-commerce, its advantages and disadvantages, the concept and forms of e-commerce, platforms through which e-commerce operates and how they work, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and e-commerce. Also, the research examined the habits and patterns of behavior of e-commerce consumers, which will show that most people are familiar with e-commerce, that the frequency of shopping through e-commerce is several times a month, most often footwear, clothing, cosmetics and health products. and sports equipment, and that online shopping is most often done via mobile phones and computers. |