Sažetak | Marketinške aktivnosti krucijalne su za ostvarivanje prihoda, a kod novih poduzeća za proboj na tržište. Predmet ovog rada su marketinške aktivnosti u obrtništvu. Kroz teorijski dio rada dan je pregled tradicionalnih medija oglašavanja, ali i marketinga u digitalno doba te primjene gerilskog marketinga u obrtništvu. Također, za obrtnike je jako važno upravljati osobnim brendom i razviti svoje prodajne vještine. Obrtnici često zanemaruju marketinške aktivnosti, ili im se tek povremeno posvećuju, uglavnom zbog vrlo ograničenih sredstava, ali i ne uviđajući pravu vrijednost marketinga. Zbog toga je cilj ovoga rada provesti empirijsko istraživanje o tome kako se obrtnici prilagođavaju kompetitivnom tržištu, kakve marketinške aktivnosti provode, koliko su im marketinške aktivnosti važne. Osim toga, nastojat će se provjeriti provode li obrtnici uopće marketinške aktivnosti, radi li to netko za njih ili oni sami te koliko ulažu u marketing. Pretpostavka je da kontinuirane marketinške aktivnosti pospješuju prodaju te da se na taj način generira veća dobit, zbog čega bi obrtnici trebali usustaviti svoje marketinške planove. U svrhu provedbe istraživanja anketiran je 21 ispitanik. Znakovito je primijetiti i kako su ispitanici najboljom ocjenom procijenili tvrdnju u kategoriji razvoja proizvoda, što zapravo ukazuje da su fokusirani na isporuku vrhunske kvalitete, ali da zanemaruju marketinški splet i brendiranje kojim bi svoj proizvod i pozicionirali kao vrhunski. Također, pokazalo se da postoji značajan prostor za poboljšanje marketinških aktivnosti koje su trenutno zastupljene na prosječnoj razini, a empirijsko je istraživanje, s obzirom na ograničenje, mogu unaprijediti povećanjem broja ispitanika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Marketing activities are crucial for generating income, and in the case of new companies, for breaking into the market. The subject of this work is marketing activities in the craft industry. Through the theoretical part of the paper, an overview of traditional media advertising, as well as marketing in the digital age and the application of guerrilla marketing in the craft industry, is given. Also, it is very important for craftsmen to manage their personal brand and develop their sales skills. Craftsmen often neglect marketing activities, or devote themselves to them only occasionally, mainly due to very limited resources, but also not realizing the true value of marketing. For this reason, the aim of this work is to conduct empirical research on how craftsmen adapt to the competitive market, what kind of marketing activities they carry out, and how important marketing activities are to them. In addition, efforts will be made to check whether the craftsmen carry out marketing activities at all, whether someone works for them or they themselves, and how much they invest in marketing. The assumption is that continuous marketing activities increase sales and thus generate more profit, which is why artisans should take advantage of their marketing plans. For the purpose of conducting the research, 21 respondents were surveyed. It is also significant to note how the respondents with the best rating evaluated the claim in the product development category, which actually indicates that they are focused on delivering top quality, but that they ignore the marketing mix and branding that would position their product as top-of-the-line. Also, there is significant room for improvement in marketing activities that are currently represented at an average level, and empirical research, considering the limitations, can be improved by increasing in the number of respondents. |