Sažetak | Prije svega rekla bih kako sam temu upravo ovog završnog rada odabrala zbog zanimljivog sadržaja koji će biti prisutan u samom radu. Ovaj rad biti će baziran na možemo reći tri bitna podnaslova, odnosno tri bitne cjeline uz koje vežemo pojmove proizvod, marka i brand. Pokušati ću vam u kratkim crtama definirati određene pojmove, objasniti njihove bitne karakteristike, ciljeve postojanja, pravce djelovanja a zatim ih međusobno usporediti. Prva bitna cjelina biti će mi proizvod u kojoj ću definirati pojam proizvoda, određena svojstva proizvoda, zatim pokušati grafički dočarati sam proces životnog ciklusa proizvoda, koji ću kasnije detaljno i obrazložiti. Kod proizvoda jedna od bitnih stavki biti će mi i uloga cijene kod proizvoda te načini diferencijacije samog proizvoda. Druga bitna cjelina mi je marka u kojoj ću na samom početku objasniti samo poimanje marke, zatim objasniti određena svojstva, smjerove u strategiji razvoja marke te četiri dimenzije marke proizvoda. Na kraju ove druge cjeline i prije prijelaza na treću pokušati ću Vam objasniti razliku između proizvoda i marke. Treća velika cjelina obuhvaća pojam brand, kod nje ću također prvo započeti sa samim pojmom branda a kasnije vas uvesti u četiri dimenzije branda, te objasniti što su to zapravo emocionalni brandovi. Također na kraju treće cjeline pokušati ću dočarati razliku između pojma marke i pojma branda. |
Sažetak (engleski) | First of all, I would like to say that the reason why I am focusing on this particular subject as the topic of my final paper is the interesting content that will be presented in it. This paper will be based on discussing three relevant sections, i.e. the three essential concepts with which we associate the terms product, label/marque, and brand. I will try to briefly define certain terms, explain their essential characteristics, purpose, course of action, and eventually attempt to compare them. In the first essential section, regarding the product, I will define the concept as well as its certain properties, and then try to graphically depict the very process of a product's life cycle which I will later explain in more detail. When talking about the product, one of the most important things is the price and the methods of differentiating the product itself.
The second important section is the label. In this segment, I will begin with an explanation of the concept and its interpretation, followed by a description of certain properties, directions of developing label strategies and the four dimensions of label products. At the end of the second section, before a transition to the third, I will try to explain the difference between the product and the brand. The third major section entails the concept of a brand. In this unit, I will also begin with an explanation of the very concept, which will be followed by an introduction to the four dimensions of the brand. Furthermore, I will provide a clear explanation of emotional brands. Finally, at the end of the third section, I will try to conjure up the difference between the concept of the brand and the concept of the label. |