Sažetak | Korupcija je, zajedno sa siromaštvom, nezaposlenošću, rastućim cijenama hrane i energije, klimatskim promjenama i terorizmom, jedan od najvećih globalnih problema današnjice. Poneki stručnjaci idu tako daleko da smatraju korupciju glavnim uzrokom siromaštva na zemlji. Interesantna je činjenica da premda je korupcija postojala još u doba antike, tek posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća počelo se o njoj intenzivno govoriti i isticati kao problem. Korupcija se uvukla i našla svoje mjesto u raznim područjima u društvu, zadobila je različite oblike, te osim što ju je teško definirati, ona je ponekad u pojedinim oblicima i kulturama smatrana prihvatljivom. Ni sami uzroci korupcije nisu uvijek jednaki i ne možemo ih svrstati pod jedno, jer pregršt je povijesnih i kulturnih čimbenika upleteno zajedno s ekonomskim i političkim stanjem određene zemlje da bismo o tome mogli govoriti u globalu. Kada se govori o pozitivnim učincima korupcije, to zaista zvuči kontradiktorno jer pozitivni ishodi jednokratni su i tiču se pojedinaca, stoga teško da korupcija može imati pozitivnu konotaciju, neovisno o kontekstu. Negativni su učinci brojni i svrstavamo ih u političke, gospodarske i društvene. Postavlja se pitanje može li se i na koji način mjeriti korupcija, budući da je obavijena nekim velom tajni i da se provodi na razne načine (ne isključivo novčano). U svrhu podizanja javne svijesti o korupciji objavljuju se indeks kontrole korupcije i indeks percepcije korupcije, no empirijskih podataka o razini korupcije u pojedinoj zemlji nema. U Republici Hrvatskoj pitanje korupcije također je jedan od gorućih problema, no sudeći prema istraživanjima, ipak nismo u samom vrhu ljestvice najkorumpiranijih zemalja na svijetu, što ukazuje na to da problem ipak još nije dosegao enormne razmjere. Nekoliko je institucija koje se bave dotičnim problemom, no najveće uspjehe ipak polučuje sama prevencija. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Together with extreme poverty, unemployment, the rising cost of food and energy, climate changes, and terrorism, corruption is one of the biggest global issues nowadays. Some experts go as far as claiming corruption to be the main cause of poverty in the world. There is an interesting fact - athough corruption has existed since ancient times, it was not highlighted as a problem since the past couple of decades. Corruption got in and found its place in different areas of society, acquiring various forms, and besides being difficult to define, some forms of it are considered acceptable in some cultures. Speaking of causes of corruption, it is impossible to say they are universal because of a handful of historical and cultural factors involved together with the current economical and social situation of a certain country. Speaking of positive effects of corruption, it does truly sound contradictory because all the positive outcomes are on a one-time basis and refer to an individual, so it is almost impossible for a corruption to have a positive connotation, regardless of context. Negative effects are, on the other hand, numerous, and can be either political, economical or social. The possibility and ways to measure corruption may be questionable, keeping in mind its backdoor nature and the fact that it's been mantained in various ways (not only financially). With the intention of raising awareness about corruption, two indicators have a major role - the control of corruption index as well as the corruption perceptions index, although empirical evidence about the amount of corruption in a particular country is non-existent. In the Republic of Croatia the matter of corruption is also one of the predominant issues, but according to surveys, we are still not among the most corrupted countries in the world, which indicates that the problem has not taken immense proportions yet. There are several institutions dealing with the issue, but after all, the biggest success is obviously obtained by prevention. |