Sažetak | Tema obuhvaća specifičnosti marketinga usluga u odnosu na marketing proizvoda. Obradom
teme uz pomoć stručne literature će se pokušati objasniti pojam međunarodnog marketinga, te
osim toga približiti pojam usluga, njene karakteristike i problematiku s kojima se poduzeće
susreće prilikom izlaska na međunarodnom tržištu.
Marketing usluga razvojem globalizacije dobiva sve više na značaju jer usluge postaju sve
zastupljenije u bruto domaćem proizvodu te kao grana koja raste iz godine u godinu postaju
predmetom i interesom sve većeg broja istraživanja. Razvojem novih tehnologija usluge postaju
neizostavan dio finalnog proizvoda te je teško jasno razgraničiti proizvodne i uslužne
djelatnosti jer se često obje nadopunjuju nastojeći tako podići kvalitetu te ostvariti zadovoljstvo
korisnika svojom uslugom ili proizvodom.
Glavna obilježja usluga su neopipljivost, nedjeljivost, nemogućnost skladištenja, heterogenost
i odsutnost vlasništva. Sukladno obilježjima prodaja usluga se uvelike razlikuje od prodaje
proizvoda, te je za poslovanje važno prilagoditi elemente marketing miksa.
Prvi dio ovog rada se bavi teorijskim objašnjavanjem pojmova i podjela u međunarodnom
marketingu kao i marketingu usluga, dok je drugi dio rada više orijentiran na provođenje
marketing miksa, utvrđivanje problematike, kontrole kvalitete i objašnjavanje primjera iz
Kada se poduzeće odluči proširiti svoje poslovanje i izaći na strano tržište, ovisno o tome kojim
uslugama se poduzeće bavi, važno je temeljito napraviti pripremu i analizu ciljanog tržišta,
odrediti ciljanu skupinu potrošača. Osim toga potrebno je konstantno pratiti svoje poslovanje,
želje i potrebe korisnika te stalno održavati visoku kvalitetu usluge. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic covers the specifics of marketing services in relation to product marketing. By
working through the topic with the use of professional literature, an attempt will be made to
explain the concept of international marketing, and in addition, to bring closer the concept of
services, its characteristics, as well as issues that the company can encounter when entering the
international market.
With the development of globalization, the marketing of services is gaining importance because
services are becoming much more represented in the gross domestic product and as a branch
that grows from year to year, it is becoming the subject and the interest of an increasing number
of studies. With the development of new technologies, services become an indispensable part
of the final product and it is difficult to draw a clear line between production and service
activities because they both often complement each other in endeavor to raise quality and
achieve customer satisfaction with their service or product.
The main features of services are intangibility, indivisibility, impossibility of storage,
heterogeneity and absence of ownership. According to the characteristics, the sale of services
differs greatly from the sale of products, and it is important for the business to adjust the
elements of the marketing mix.
The first part of this paper covers the theoretical explanation of terms and classification in
international marketing, as well as marketing services; while the second part of the paper is
oriented towards implementing the marketing mix, identifying the issues, quality control and
explaining the examples from practice.
When a company decides to expand its business and enter a foreign market, depending on what
services the company provides, it is important to thoroughly prepare and analyze the target
market, and determine the target group of consumers. In addition, it is necessary to constantly
monitor your business, the wishes and needs of users and constantly maintain a high quality
service. |