Sažetak | Znanje je ključni resurs suvremenog doba, koje se još generalno naziva i dobom znanja. S
obzirom da znanje predstavlja osnovu konkurentnosti u novom dobu suvremeni su poslovni
subjekti orijentirani na upravljanje znanjem. U tom smislu poslovni subjekti traže ljude koji
posjeduju odgovarajuća znanja koja će pridonijeti povećanju konkurentnosti poslovnog
subjekta. Visokoškolske ustanove obrazuju ljude čija znanja trebaju biti dodana vrijednost koja
će poslovne subjekte na tržištu učiniti konkurentnijima prema drugim poslovnim subjektima.
U tom bi smislu, a sukladno načelima društva znanja, visokoškolske ustanove trebale obrazovati
ljude s znanjima koja poslovni subjekti trebaju kako bi osigurali konkurentnost u znanju. Da bi
se to ostvarilo visokoškolske ustanove bi trebale katalogizirati znanja potrebna poslovnoj praksi
i temeljem kataloga znanja kreirati obrazovne programe. Taj pristup u načelu odgovara
marketinškom načelu koje započinje s istraživanjem tržišta kako bi se odredilo što proizvoditi,
po kojoj cijeni i kako proizvod distribuirati i promovirati. No, iskustveno gledano,
visokoškolske se ustanove ponašaju po načelima proizvodne koncepcije izrađujući i nudeći
obrazovne programe koji su proizvod iskustva i preferencija onih koji izrađuju nastavni plan i
program. Stoga, provedenim se istraživanjem intervjuiranjem menadžmenta iz poslovne prakse
te anketiranjem studenata željelo doznati kakav rezultat produciraju planovi i programi koji
nisu nastali temeljem istraživanja potreba poslovne prakse za znanjem. Kao objekt koji je
analiziran tijekom istraživanja korišten je preddiplomski sveučilišni studij Ekonomskog
fakulteta u Osijeku koji je u primjeni od akademske 2020/2021 godine. Rezultati istraživanja
su pokazali kako tako načinjen studijski program ima previše teorijskih sadržaja, slabije
korespondira s poslovnom praksom i u načelu ne korelira s onim što poslovna praksa očekuje
od budućih uposlenika, a to je pro aktivnost, volja za cjeloživotnim učenjem, samostalnost i
sklonost timskom. Ono što je zajednički nazivnik i stavovima ispitanika iz poslovne prakse i
stavovima anketiranih studenata, to je potreba većeg dodira s poslovnom praksom barem kroz
uvođenje obveznih stručnih praksi. I sam analizirani plan i program treba revidirati barem na
način da se poveća obujam vježbi, projektnih i problemskih zadataka te da veća sloboda
studentima u izboru kolegija. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Knowledge is the key resource of the modern age, which is also generally called the age of
knowledge. Given that knowledge is the basis of competitiveness in the new era, modern
business entities are oriented towards knowledge management. In this sense, business entities
are looking for people who possess appropriate knowledge that will contribute to increasing the
competitiveness of the business entity. Higher education institutions educate people whose
knowledge should be an added value that will make business entities more competitive on the
market compared to other business entities. In this sense, and in accordance with the principles
of the knowledge society, higher education institutions should educate people with knowledge
that should ensure competitiveness in knowledge for business entities. In order to achieve this,
higher education institutions should catalog the knowledge of the necessary business practices
and create educational programs based on the knowledge catalog. In principle, this approach
corresponds to the marketing principle, which begins with market research to determine what
to produce, at what price, and how to distribute and promote the product. No, empirically
speaking, higher education institutions act according to the principles of the production concept,
creating and offering educational programs that are the product of the experience and
preferences of those who create the curriculum. Therefore, by conducting research by
interviewing management from business practice and by surveying students, we wanted to find
out what kind of results are produced by plans and programs that were not created based on
research into the needs of business practice for knowledge. The object that was analyzed during
the research was the undergraduate university study of the Faculty of Economics in Osijek,
which was applied in the academic year 2020/2021. The results of the research show that the
study program created in this way has too many theoretical contents, corresponds less well with
business practice and, in principle, does not correlate with what business practice expects from
future employees, which is pro-activity, a will for lifelong learning, independence and a
tendency to work in a team. The common denominator of both the views of respondents from
business practice and the views of surveyed students is the need for greater contact with
business practice, at least through the introduction of mandatory professional practices. The
analyzed plan and program itself should be revised at least in such a way as to increase the
volume of exercises, project and problem tasks, and to give students greater freedom in
choosing courses. |