Sažetak | Opstanak uslužnih obrta u Republici Hrvatskoj, a ovisno o tipu djelatnosti, primarno ugrožavaju
s jedne strane promjene u navikama potrošača, a s druge strane proizvodi i usluge koje na tržištu
nude proizvodno efikasniji industrijski poslovni subjekti. Naime, odljev i gubitak potrošača nije
jedini problem koji opterećuje suvremene uslužne obrte u Republici Hrvatskoj, no sigurno je
najbitniji. Problem je tim veći jer uslijed nedostatne financijske i ekonomske moći uslužni obrti
u Republici Hrvatskoj nisu u mogućnosti na kvalitetan način akceptirati koncept marketinga
odnosa, odnosno upravljanja odnosima s potrošačima (CRM), izgrađujući i primjenjujući
moćne programske alate u okviru zasebnih podsustava informacijskih sustava. Zbog toga je
potrebno za uslužne obrte pronaći njima prihvatljivo rješenje za aplikaciju CRM-a. Kao
modalitet se u ovom slučaju nameću alternativna rješenja koja se temelje na gerilskom pristupu.
U tom su smislu društvene mreže jedno od sredstava koja su na raspolaganju uslužnim obrtima
kao točka dodira u funkciji aplikacije marketinga odnosa, odnosno CRM-a u rad uslužnih obrta.
Zbog toga su provedena istraživanja koja su pokazala da menadžment uslužnih obrta prepoznaje
važnost CRM sustava, no uglavnom se ne koristi CRM-om, i društvenim mrežama iako
stanovništvo učestalo koristi društvene mreže, osobito Facebook i Instagram. Temeljem
rezultata dobivenih provedenim istraživanjima definiran je načelni deskriptivni model upotrebe
društvenih mreža za potrebe CRM-a kod uslužnih obrta. U tom će smislu, na što ukazuje model,
društvene će mreže omogućiti istraživanje potreba potrošača kroz permanentnu komunikaciju
s potrošačima, promociju proizvoda i usluga u predprodajnim aktivnostima, provođenje
prodaje, a u pojedinim uslužnim djelatnostima i distribuciju digitalnih usluga, pružanje potpore
potrošačima kroz davanje uputa, savjeta i sugestija, istraživanje zadovoljstva potrošača
uslugom, odnosno proizvodom, iskorištavanje influensera radi izgradnje mreže zagovornika i
drugo. Među nizom korištenih znanstvenih metoda u primarnim su istraživanjima korištene
metoda dubinskog intervjua i metoda anketiranja, podaci su statistički obrađeni, a u kreiranju
modela korištena je metoda analogije, kao i metoda kauzalnog zaključivanja i deskriptivnog
modeliranja. Istraživanjem su realizirani postavljeni ciljevi istraživanja i dokazana je početna
hipoteza. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The existence of various types of service crafts in the Republic of Croatia, primarly is affected
by the customers habits, on one, and, on the other hand, by the products and services offered
by more efficient industrial business objects in the market. Further more, the decrease and the
loss of customers is not the only issue that modern service crafts in the Republic of Croatia are
facing, nevertheless, is one of the most important certainly. Additionally, the matter is more
serious, since the service crafts in Croatia, due to the lack of financial and economic power, do
not have possibility to accept efficiently the concept of relationship marketing, or the customer
relationship management (CRM), by forming and using effective programme tools within
individual subsystems of the bigger system information. In connection to this, the service crafts
need to find a suitable solution for their application of CRM. There are different alternatives
based on the guerrilla marketing approach that can be applied in this context. Therefore, the
social networks are one of the means that service crafts can use as a meeting point in order for
the application of relationship marketing or CRM to function in the work of service crafts. For
this reason different investigations were undertaken which showed that the management of
service crafts acknowledge the importance of CRM systems, but, in general, they do not use
CRM or social networks despite the fact that the mankind frequently uses them, especially
Facebook and Instagram. The general descriptive model of using social networks for the needs
of CRM within the work of service crafts was defined based on the results provided by the
above mentioned investigations. According to the model, social networks will facilitate the
research on the customers needs throughout constant communication with cilents, product and
service promotion during pre-sale activities, the process of sale, and, in certain service
activities, throughout the distribution of digital services, offering support to the customers by
giving them instructions, advice and suggestions, investigating customers satisfaction by the
service offered, or products, using influencers for creating networks of followers etc. The
method of in-depth interview and the method of survey were used in the main investigations,
among many other different scientific methods; the data were processed statistically, and in the
creation of the model, the method of analogy, the method of causal conclusion and descriptive
modelling were used as well. The process of investigation facilitated the achievement of the
stated objectives and the initial hypothesis was proven. |