Sažetak | U današnjem konkurentnom gospodarstvu, upravljanje opskrbnim lancima i distribucijskim
mrežama zauzima sve važniju ulogu. Svrha ovog diplomskog rada je pojasniti ulogu opskrbnih
lanaca i distribucijskih mreža u trgovini, kroz prikaz njihovih osnovnih elemenata, zadataka i
funkcija te motrišta s kojih se sagledavaju. Cilj rada je prikazati važnost opskrbnih lanaca i
distribucijskih mreža u trgovini i procesu distribucije te prikazati dobar primjer učinkovitog
upravljanja opskrbnim lancem. Metodologija ovog rada zasniva se na osnovnim istraživačkim
metodama – metodi deskripcije, metodi analize i metodi klasifikacije podataka. U uvodnom
dijelu rada objašnjeni su pojmovi trgovine, logistike i distribucije, s naglaskom na pojašnjenje
razlika između roba i usluga te diferencijaciju procesa logistike i distribucije. Osim toga, u radu
su pojašnjene i funkcije fizičke distribucije, kanala distribucije, povratnih kanala te ciljeva koji
se žele postići izborom distribucijske mreže. Dan je kratak pregled specifičnosti, prednosti i
nedostataka različitih distribucijskih mreža odnosno ciljeva koji se njima ostvaruju, kao i
pregled trendova i izazova u budućnosti upravljanja opskrbnim lancem i distribucijskim
mrežama u trgovini. Na kraju samog rada dan je prikaz dobre prakse učinkovitog upravljanja
opskrbnim lancima, na primjeru tvrtke za skladištenje i logistiku dentalne opreme i potrošnog
materijala SCL Logistika d.o.o. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In today's competitive economy, managing supply chains and distribution networks is
increasingly important. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the role of supply chains and
distribution networks in trade through the presentation of their essential elements, tasks, and
functions and the viewpoints from which they are viewed. The aim of the paper is to show the
importance of supply chains and distribution networks in trade and the distribution process and
to show a good example of effective supply chain management. The methodology of this work
is based on fundamental research methods - method of description, analysis, and data
classification. In the introductory part of the paper, the concepts of trade, logistics, and
distribution are explained, with an emphasis on clarifying the differences between goods and
services and the differentiation of logistics and distribution processes. In addition, the paper
also describes the functions of physical distribution, distribution channels, return channels, and
the goals to be achieved by choosing a distribution network. A brief overview of the specifics,
advantages, and disadvantages of different distribution networks, i.e., the goals they achieve,
is given, as well as an overview of trends and challenges in the future of supply chain
management and distribution networks in trade. At the end of the paper, a presentation of good
practice of effective supply chain management is presented, using the example of the company
for storage and logistics of dental equipment and consumables SCL Logistika d.o.o. |