Sažetak | Predmet ovog rada je kreativnost u marketingu. Gledajući unazad par godina vidljivo je, da kako se svijet razvijao, tako su se razvijali i ljudi, te da su mogućnosti koje je unazad par godina donijela tehnologija nebrojene. Stoga poduzeća sve više ulažu u ljude koji su kreativni te koji će svojim kreativnim razmišljanjem pomoći u izgradnji uspješnih poduzeća. Iako ne postoji točna definicija kreativnosti, činjenica je da je kreativnost izuzetno važna u svim aspektima poslovanja - od razvoja samog proizvoda, izgradnje proizvodnih pogona pa sve do oglašavanja samog proizvoda i/ili usluge poduzeća. Kreativnost je najvažnija prilikom provođenja marketinških kampanja koje danas, zahvaljujući novim sredstvima komunikacije, dolaze do velikog broja ljudi u kratkom vremenu te ovisno o (ne)uspješnosti implementacije istih, iste utječu na (ne)uspješnost poslovanja poduzeća. Nadalje, u radu se istraživala važnost kreativnosti u poslovanju poduzeća, tj. u marketinškom segmentu poslovanja te se osvrnulo na kreativne marketinške kampanje u Republici Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Iz provedene analize na tržištu može se zaključiti da je kreativnost u poslovanjima poduzeća i više nego bitna. Drugim riječima, kreativnost je sastavni dio svakog poslovanja te osnova svakog dobrog proizvoda i/ili usluge, ali i marketinških kampanja. Stoga sva poduzeća trebaju obratiti pažnju prilikom zapošljavanja novih zaposlenika te se potruditi pronaći prave ljude koji su kreativni, inovativni, razumiju svijet oko sebe te navike i potrebe potrošača. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The subject of this paper is creativity in marketing. Through the last couple of years, it is evident that as the world was evolving so were the people. Also, it is evident that the posibilities that were brought, with development of the techology, to people over the last couple of years are endless. Therefore, companies are increasingly investing in creative people who will help their creative thinking help them build successful businesses. Although there is no exact definition of creativity, the fact is that creativity is extremely important in all aspects of business - from the development of the product itself, the construction of production facilities up to the advertising of the company's own product and / or services. Creativity is the most important while conducting marketing campaigns that today, thanks to the new means of communication, can efect a large number of people in a very short time... and which also, depending on the (non) performance of implementation affects, can affect the (non) performance of the business. Furthermore, the paper explored the importance of creativity in business operations, or to be precise in the marketing segment of business, and focused on creative marketing campaigns in the Republic of Croatia and the world. From the market analysis carried out, it can be concluded that creativity in business operations is more than important. In other words, creativity is an integral part of every business and the basis of every good product and / or service, but also marketing campaigns. Therefore, all businesses should pay attention while employing new employees and try to find the right people who are creative, innovative, understand the world around them, and the habits and needs of consumers. |