Sažetak | U ovom radu obrađena je tema Marketing plan turističkih usluga Baranje. Baranja svojom
ljepotom i prirodom omogućava izuzetno bogat odmor koji nam je danas sve više potreban.
Istaknute su prednosti i nedostaci kao i mogućnosti koje Baranja pruža te su dani prijedlozi koje
je moguće izrealizirati, a samim time i obogatiti ne iskorišteni prostor istog. Autohtona jela,
predivna vrhunska vina koja se mogu degustirati, cikloturizam, advent u Baranji, smještajni
kapaciteti, obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva samo su jedan mali dio koji se može doživjeti
i proći u Baranji ali svaki taj jedan dio ima još mogućnost napredovati.
Diplomski rad prethodno navedene teme, podijeljen je u četiri poglavlja. U prvom, odnosno
uvodnom poglavlju su definirani predmet rada, postavljeni su ciljevi rada te je dan sadržaj rada.
U drugom poglavlju je obrađena metodologija rada koja je obuhvatila definiranje metode rada
i izvora korištenih u obradi problematike rada. O marketing planu turističkih usluga Baranje je
bilo govora o u trećem poglavlju rada pri čemu je obuhvaćena i sama povijest Baranje koju ne
trebamo zanemariti budući da su iznesene zanimljive činjenice o istom. Nakon toga odrađena
je analiza provedenog online anketnog anonimnog ispitivanja gdje je sudjelovalo 102 ispitanika
u dobi od 18 do 65 godina nakon čega slijede izneseni ciljevi i zaključci online istraživanja. Na
samom kraju diplomskog rada u četvrtom poglavlju dan je zaključak. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper deals with the topic Marketing plan of tourist services in Baranja. Baranja, with its
beauty and nature, enables an extremely rich vacation, which we need more and more today.
The advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, as well as the possibilities that Baranja
provides, and suggestions are given that can be realized, and thus enrich the unused space of
the same. Indigenous dishes, beautiful top wines that can be tasted, cycling, Advent in Baranja,
accommodation facilities, family farms are just a small part that can be experienced and passed
in Baranja, but each part has more opportunities to progress.
The diploma thesis of the aforementioned topic is divided into four chapters. In the first, ie
introductory chapter, the subject of the paper is defined, the goals of the paper are set and the
content of the paper is given. The second chapter deals with the methodology of work, which
included the definition of the method of work and the sources used in the processing of labor
issues. The marketing plan of Baranja's tourist services was discussed in the third chapter of the
paper, which includes the history of Baranja itself, which should not be neglected since
interesting facts about it are presented. After that, an analysis of the conducted online
anonymous survey was conducted, in which 102 respondents aged 18 to 65 participated,
followed by the stated goals and conclusions of the online research. At the very end of the
diploma thesis, a conclusion is given in the fourth chapter. |